The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 3432: Try my brother again!

If it were usual, in the face of this group of school bullies headed by Wang Yongli, Zhao Jianfei would have run as far as he could.

But today, Zhao Jianfei cannot do this!

Because the person involved in this incident is not someone else, it is his good brother Zhao Jianfei, Song Dawei.

Therefore, even if other people can ignore Song Dawei's affairs, his Zhao Jianfei cannot do anything by himself. His good brothers will be bullied by the campus bullies like Wang Yongli.

At this point, he cannot allow this to happen anyway!

When I saw the nose and face swollen on the ground, my sportswear was full of large and small shoe marks, and the luǒlù's skin was also green and purple for a while.

Seeing this behind the scenes, Zhao Jianfei's eyes became red because of congestion, and a kind of anonymous anger was burning in his heart.

"Crunch ... creak ... creak ..."

Seeing that his brother Song Dawei was bullied by so many people, Zhao Jianfei was obviously angry from his heart, and was born with evil spirits, and his fists sounded like a "creak ..."

"Oh, hey ... hey, hey ... did you see it? Did you see it!"

"Zhao Jianfei, who is famous in our school, is really angry at this time?"

"Ah, hello ... our school's famous bad boy is really angry, this is really the headline news of our school!"

After seeing Zhao Jianfei's fist clenched and extremely angry at this time, Wang Yonglifei did not have half of the fear or fear, but he deliberately pretended to have a very exaggerated "frightened" expression on his face, intentionally sharp His throat was yin and yang strange, said.

The sarcasm in his words was so obvious.

To be clear, from the beginning, Wang Yongli didn't put Zhao Jianfei in his eyes, but only regarded him as a "kitten", and the "puppies" usually played each other in various plays.

However, after hearing Wang Yongli's remarks, the group of hooligans who were mingling with Wang Yongli also covered their stomachs at this time, closed their backs, and laughed at Zhao Jianfei, out of breath.

"Hahahaha ... laughs ... laughing at me ... really ... really laughed about Laozi ..."

"Have you heard what the boss said just now, Zhao Jianfei ... Zhao Jianfei was so angry, this bad boy was really angry? He was really angry ..."

"Hahahaha ... I said Huangmao, please don't laugh, haven't you heard of dogs jumping over the wall in a hurry, and rabbits biting in a hurry?"

"Don't you be afraid that at this time he jumps directly on you and bites you hard ..."

When I said this, I saw another little chubby and learned a "dog jumping the wall" very vividly, and then he slammed his feet to the ground in the Song Dynasty. Began to laugh loudly, how arrogant, how stubborn.

"Try my brother again!"

Zhao Jianfei bowed his head so that he could not see his current expression for a while, but the tone of his speech was very low, one word at a time, Tao.

"Oh? What happened to Lao Tzu!"

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