The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 3441: Lovers in fairyland!

"no no..."

"Brother ... you misunderstood ... this is only for the medical expenses we have previously bullied Song Dawei, and if the older brother meets Song Dawei, don't forget to apologize to me."

After saying this, Wang Yongli bowed to Zhang Xiaofan again, and then he didn't say anything more and just left with his younger brothers.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't know how much they could have heard of those words to Wang Yongli and how much they could remember after that.

But as long as they bury a seed of goodness in their hearts, then the seed will take root one day sooner or later ...

After all, in the eyes of Zhang Xiaofan, Wang Yongli is just a group of "kids". Now they do n’t understand, but it does n’t mean that they wo n’t be sensible in the future.

After this, Zhang Xiaofan simply went to the school medical office to watch Song Dawei and gave him a simple massage of traditional Chinese medicine, and then prescribed a medicine to the little guy before he left.

After returning home, Zhang Xiaofan took a look around and had less than a month to go before the New Year.

However, this year's New Year's Eve is fundamentally different from the usual New Year's Eve. When Zhang Xiaofan returns home for the Chinese New Year this time, he also has to bring his little girlfriend Zhao Yan together to formally introduce him to his parents.

However, it is the first time I have returned to my father-in-law. When I went to my mother-in-law's house, I didn't say anything else, at least in terms of preparation, I had to be "grand" and "formal".

Therefore, before this, Zhang Xiaofan decided to let her little girlfriend meet her father-in-law, and her mother-in-law had to prepare a gift for her.

And this gift prepared by Zhang Xiaofan is nothing else. It was the golden silk cicada shirt obtained from Miss Chang'e last time!

Of course, the last time Miss Chang'e asked for this golden silk cicada shirt for her little girlfriend, Zhang Xiaofan also naturally asked the couple who had also bought a golden silk cicada shirt. Silk armor.

However, whether it is a golden silk cicada wing shirt to be given to his little girlfriend or Zhang Xiaofan's own silk cicada wing. Both of these couples' robes need to be tailored, which means that Zhang Xiaofan will also make a guest appearance as a "tailor" this time.

First of all, this golden silk cicada-wing shirt and cicada-winged silk armor are both sewn by Miss Chang'e after 749 days, which is not only beautiful, but also fashionable.

In addition, this golden silk cicada-wing shirt and cicada-wing gold silk armor both contain very strange various effects in themselves.

As far as Guang Zhang Xiaofan knows, this fairy robe sewn by Miss Chang'e is not only a defensive magic weapon of high quality, but it can also help the host to conceal aura, which is more helpful. In the host's subsequent cultivation process.

It can be said that this is very practical for Zhang Xiaofan, both in terms of its own defensive characteristics as well as the characteristics of auxiliary practice.

Of course, if these two characteristics are placed in front of the big Luo Jinxian who is like a chicken and a sheep, then all these things will be nothing ...

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