The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 3471: The price of this elixir is really touching!

Therefore, for the big Luo Jinxian who is proficient in the technique of alchemy in the heavenly courts, it is like a river crossing the river, endless. The magic bullets they have studied and developed are even more numerous!

As for, there is an inventory of these elixir in this heavenly treasure hall-

Not to mention anything else, at least it was Zhang Xiaofan who had accidentally entered this heavenly chat group for almost a year and couldn't understand the details of this treasure house.

From this, you can see a glimpse of the leopard in the tube! !! !!

"Nine Turns Back to Spirit Dan: 100,000 Merits."

"Five Dragons Fortune Dan: 900,000 merit."

"Feng Shui Mixed Yuan Dan: 500,000 merit."

"Millennium Baoxindan:" 800,000 merit points. "


"Hong Xue San Dan: 300,000 merit."

"Standing Jiuxiangdan: 50,000 merit."

Zhang Xiaofan kept scratching his fingers in this treasure chest pavilion interface--

After a long time, he finally found the elixir that his current spending power can afford, and the price looks more "affinity"!

You know, although before this, Zhang Xiaofan also bought some low-level formations and runes from this treasure house.

However, the prices of these amulets are more "intimate" and more "kindness" in terms of the price of the formation method, ranging from a few thousand points of merit to as many as tens of thousands of points of merit.

These merit points, although Zhang Xiaofan also felt quite a pain in his body, he could accept it by biting his teeth!

Even, Zhang Xiaofan once looked at the merit point in his WeChat wallet balance that barely reached the six digits. He was also complacent and proud.

It was once naive to think that I was a "big money" with a small value!

However, it wasn't until this time that Zhang Xiaofan entered the treasure shop interface of Treasure Pavilion and he really realized how “tooyoungtoosimple {too young, too naive}. Okay ...”

In addition, those of the treasure halls that seem to have more brand names are more expensive than hundreds of thousands of words, even millions or even millions of elixir.

"I go ... as long as the elixir has become so expensive, then even if you sell him Zhang Xiaofan and sell it, you can't afford these elixir!"

"Nothing ... nothing ..."

"Anyway, this time I'm just trying to treat a mortal. I can't use these elixir for the" celestial lord ", just look for a good product of elixir!"

Although, those high-grade elixir drugs that cost hundreds of thousands or even millions can not be consumed by Zhang Xiaofan, and even if they are bought, he dare not take them directly to Su Wanqing's little mother's skin. !!

After all, the body of the immortal and the body of the mortal is not a concept at all, not a level!

Ordinary people are eating some hundred-year-old Changbai Mountain wild ginseng, or some hundred-year-old Cordyceps sinensis, and the Ganoderma lucidum in the snowy area may be "made up" for problems. What's more, are these elixir for immortals? !!

When Zhang Xiaofan kept slandering in his heart ...

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