The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 3490: No one is better than anyone else!

All the people present saw that Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help sending out heartfelt sighs of praise after such a magical parking technique.

At the same time, the fiery eyes were also "唰 ——!" And looked at Zhang Xiaofan who pushed the driver's seat out of the small gap.

"Oh my god, you ... who just recorded the video of the tail drift and parking on your cell phone?"

"If you post this short video to Weibo, it will make a headline on the friends' circle if you haven't scored!"

"I ... I took a photo here. However, I patronized the previous sister's flowers, and the camera didn't even shoot that Ferrari f12berlia ..."

"Hey, don't say I regret that my intestines are all blue. This is a great opportunity to be searched all at once, and I just slip away from my eyes!"

When the sounds of the crowd are amazed, admired, praised, or regretted.

I saw the pair of sisters at this time, who also looked at the eyes, and the delicate little faces were replaced by excitement and joy soon after the previous shock!

The two sisters exchanged a color with each other, almost in unison, saying: "It's really a little hidden in the wild, a big hidden in the city. This master really is in the folk!"

"Okay, I'm not interested in making such flattering for my little master!"

During the conversation, Zhang Xiaofan pulled the car key from the car and threw it directly to the short-haired woman, with a little impatience in her tone.

"In addition, if you encounter this kind of thing again and try to solve it yourself, if you can't solve it yourself, take it cool and take it, don't get in the way here ..."

I have to say that the previous Zhang Xiaofan's arrogant operation was really eye-catching.

But then, what he said from his mouth made people feel a surprise.

It ’s such a good time for the protagonist's halo to flicker, and the low-key luxurious connotation highlight time is so good. What happened? !!

As a result, what you say next is a shocking feeling ...

"Really, when did you go online with me at all times? I said that your EQ is too low, it really doesn't understand the style ..."

The younger sister gave Zhang Xiaofan a big clean eye, and pursed her lips, grumbled and complained twice.

"Nothing, I'm just talking about it!"

Talking, Zhang Xiaofan glanced at the girl in the khaki trench coat, and said.

"In addition, what's wrong with security? People who live in this world don't bring life or death, they don't necessarily take the first class, and no one is superior to anyone."

"As long as you work hard, people who adhere to their own positions and principles are worthy of respect!"

Faced with the previous remarks of the khaki trench coat girl who looked down on the security guard, Zhang Xiaofan also directly and uncivilly sent him back at this time, saying.

"Sorry, the previous thing was indeed a failure of what we did, and here I apologize to you and the previous Mr. Security ..."

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