The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 3624: You are very kind without killing you!

However, just when Zhang Xiaofan's heart had just arranged what happened after Qin Xiyan, he saw that the sea and Shen Dashan both wanted to come to Zhang Xiaofan to ask for mercy and forgive him.

However, the two had not had time to approach Zhang Xiaofan within ten steps. The black bodyguards brought directly by Ke Kaihang directly invaded them and warned them fiercely. , Plus a punch and kick!

In this way, after the ocean side and Shen Dashan were pressed by the group of black bodyguards to "friction" for a while, they all held their heads as much as possible to curl their bodies into a ball and had no time to run. I went to Zhang Xiaofan to have a good "performance".

However, with regard to the miserable scene of Shen Dashan and the sea behind him, Zhang Xiaofan never even looked at them--

As Zhang Xiaofan said before, these two guys are not "people" at all but two "little ants" in his eyes!

Have you ever seen, how can an adult care about the lives of two ants? !!

For Zhang Xiaofan, if he hadn't stepped on the two "killer ants" directly today, this would already be the greatest kindness to them.

You know, these two dog things are really representative of "being rich and benevolent" and "little people gaining will".

Not to mention, even their four-year college classmates are bullying and suppressing!

In Zhang Xiaofan's opinion, this is just to dissipate the wealth of the two of them. This is already the biggest and most tolerant way of dealing with Li Muxue's face!

If it weren't for Li Muxue's face, it would be the ocean, Shen Dashan, and then again and again, jumping in front of himself, jumping, all kinds of "cricket ants" provoking his own bottom line!

To be honest, even if you do n’t let them two blood splash five steps, two corpses, but at least make them into a mouth that ca n’t speak, eyes ca n’t see, ears ca n’t smell, and body ca n’t move. ” Vegetative "——! !! !!

Just after Zhang Xiaofan thought about and arranged things for Qin Xiyan, he was about to leave this Shangri-La hotel and return to his own warm and quiet nest--

At this moment, a Mercedes Vianox-clusive nanny car is heading not far from the hotel's entrance, and after that, several Mercedes-Benz business cars are slowly moving towards the main entrance of the Shangri-La Hotel at this time. Here comes the location!

At this time, the senior leaders of the Shangri-La Hotel all seemed to have received news in advance. Before the convoy arrived, they were waiting at the front door of the hotel!

In addition, it is worth mentioning that there is a banner hanging on the beam of the main entrance of this Shangri-La Hotel, which reads: "Warmly welcome Miss Lin to this hotel!"

Coincidentally, Zhang Xiaofan's side has just finished handling the matter of Shen Dashan and Ke Jiasheng over there--

His front foot just came out of the banquet hall, and his hind foot saw the door of a Mercedes Vianox-clusive car not far from him being opened from the inside, and he saw two black bodyguards in it. Walked down ...

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