The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 3921: Let me clarify this misunderstanding!

If you want to let yourself lose this hard-earned work just because of a misunderstanding, then Ma Ruiyang will definitely feel very sorry ...

What's more, if she and Zhang Xiaofan had happened that kind of thing before, it wouldn't matter, but now nothing happened, but they would be put on the hat of "unchecked" and "unselfish". Think of Ma Ruiyang's heart has a feeling of crying ...

"Hey, why do I have this idea? I must be crazy!"

"Everything has happened to this point, but now my own brain is full of such messy and strange ideas ..."

As soon as I thought of myself, I thought of working with Zhang Xiaofan in the office to do the kind of ambiguous "invisible people", Ma Ruiyang's face turned red and a little red, and secretly blamed himself, When is all this time, and my mind still thinks about all these things.

"Just rest assured, I will explain this story to Qin Xiyan."

Seeing that Ma Ruiyang was suffering a small face and a tangled look, Zhang Xiaofan thought that she was grieved because of Qin Xiyan's misunderstanding. She patted her shoulder with a smile, relieved, and said .

Previously, Qin Xiyan had misunderstood whether he was such a person. Zhang Xiaofan didn't care much about it. After all, one of his grandfathers didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing. turbidity.

However, this matter is not just as simple as his Zhang Xiaofan alone, and it also involves Ma Ruiyang.

Therefore, for nothing else, it is simply for the little girl Ma Ruiyang's own personal innocence and future in the Longteng Group. Zhang Xiaofan feels that this matter must be done in person to help the little girl to solve it properly. .

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaofan just pulled out his mobile phone and found Qin Xiyan's mobile phone number in the address book. He just planned to dial out—

However, Zhang Xiaofan was so pondering in his heart that he would not say whether Qin Xiyan, who was angry, would answer his call.

As far as light is concerned, the matter he had with Ma Ruiyang in the office before was also a word on the phone, and the two sentences could not be explained clearly.

Some words, some things still have to be met in person, put on the bright side, everyone spread the words, one said one, two said two to explain the matter to the explanation is fine.

After making up his mind, Zhang Xiaofan took his coat and got up, but as soon as he stood up, he felt a cold wind blowing from his crotch, and there was a kind of wind blowing ass. a feeling of.....

Zhang Xiaofan realized afterwards that his pants are still "seated".

"Let me do it...."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's embarrassment that he had just stood up and sat down, Ma Ruiyang also could not help but smile, and took the initiative and said.

"I'm going, come again ?!"

Seeing Ma Ruiyang had to sew pants for himself, Zhang Xiaofan's face couldn't help showing a weeping smile.

"Anyway, this is already the case, what should have happened, and what should not have happened, what else is there to worry about ?!"

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