The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 4075: Be a man and never forget this!

"Don't talk about Huaxia, just talk about this LF city, you can just pick out one that can treat you badly!"

"So, everything is fine, but don't make a bottle less than half a bottle!"

"Besides, being a man is about paying attention to a newspaper, drinking water and thinking about it. You can forget everything, but you must not forget this!"

Looking at Chen Zhongwen, who was holding his head curled to the ground like a dead dog at his feet, trembling on the ground, Zhang Xiaofan wanted to continue to teach the latter and teach him a little bit of humanity.

However, when he saw him look like a bear, Zhang Xiaofan didn't have the yùwàng who taught this person. He waved his hand as impatiently as driving away the flies, said.

"Okay, I don't want to say anything more to you if you don't need it, just roll it for me, as far as you can go, don't let me see you again!"

In other words, Zhang Xiaofan shook his sleeves and turned to leave. From the beginning to the end, Chen Zhongwen felt ungrateful.

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan turn around and leave, Chen Zhongwen finally dared to stand up.

He wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and the cheeks that were swollen by the "money" fan, and his eyes extended to ignite the anger. Obviously, Chen Zhongwen was already extremely angry. ...

"Zhang Xiaofan, you wait for Lao Tzu, dare to offend Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu makes you unable to eat and walk around-!!!"

Looking at the back of Zhang Xiaofan who turned away, Chen Zhongwen crawled up from the ground, he groaned secretly in his heart, gritted his teeth, and gave Zhang Xiaofan a gloomy glance, and then left alone. Never dare to stay longer.

"Hahahaha ....."

"It's okay, it's okay, things have been resolved, everyone continues to eat and drink!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome. Today we are all drunk and unrequited. No one is allowed to leave without drinking!"

After seeing Chen Zhongwen's lonely departure, Zhang Daping also quickly lifted the wine glass in front of himself, stood up and took the initiative to relax the atmosphere that was still nervous and awkward.

When the villagers of Xingfu Village saw Zhang Daping, they had all stepped forward to fight the round field, and they had come up with mud.

Although, the villagers of the happy village who sat there, as well as those of their relatives and friends, still had nothing to say from Zhang Xiaofan's horrified, incredible scene of horror.

However, since Zhang Daping has already opened this head, they all naturally took up their own wine glasses, and stood up and smiled and agreed.

Soon, the originally quiet wine table was full of laughter again. Just now a slapstick has finally reached the time when "Qu Qu Ren San".

After a while, everyone was left behind and didn't take it to heart.

However, the eyes of the villagers in these happy villages who looked at Zhang Xiaofan were obviously changed from what they were just now. From the beginning, they only used this admiration, and the eyes of admiration became the eyes of fear and awe today. !!

But think about it, from the beginning, in the eyes of these people, Zhang Xiaofan is just an ordinary person who can be in a Huaxia 500 company after graduating from college ...

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