The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 4099: Is this a movie?

All I saw was that the taxi that had hit the scene was already quickly killed by this flash of light.


In the other crossroads ahead, a fiery red Ferrari f12berlia was waiting for the traffic light.

The driver was a very refreshing and capable girl with short ears and very delicate face.

In addition, this short-haired girl is also an international fashion brand from head to toe, which also makes her whole person look very outstanding.

However, there was a girl in a light brown cashmere coat sitting next to the co-pilot next to the daughter with short ears.

The face of the girl with short hair and ears still looks a bit similar in facial features. The sighted person can't help but sigh, a good pair of "Bandi Sister Flowers"!

In addition, the two sisters are now driving supercars like the Ferrari f12berlia.

This combination of fragrant cars and beauties makes passers-by frequently look back at them. No matter passers-by or drivers in the past, they can't help but pay more attention to it, which is very eye-catching.

However, for passers-by who cast their eyes towards them, they are amazed, admired, or greedy.

This pair of sisters has long been accustomed to seeing strangeness. From beginning to end, the expressions of both of them were very indifferent.

It's just aside, chatting and talking to the sky. When I was bored, I looked up at the countdown stoppers on both sides of the sidewalk, waiting for the red light to turn green ...

Of course, if Zhang Xiaofan could also notice this, he would naturally find it.

This pair of sisters is not someone else. It is the two sisters Yu Mengzhu and Yu Mengqi who came to Longteng Group some time ago to the office of President Qin Xiyan and cried and shouted. .

"Oh ... hmm ... hmm ..."

However, it was Mengzhu, two sisters Yu Mengqi were taking advantage of the traffic lights.

It was heard that behind them, there was a sound of the engine coming from the distance and speed.

As I saw, a taxi with a light sign "Airbus" on it suddenly appeared from the sidewalk quickly like a runaway wild horse.

This also made the pedestrians on both sides of the sidewalk one by one, like the frightened bird, scattered like birds and beasts.

However, as the initiator of all this, this taxi has no intention of slowing down. "

On the contrary, the whole car is like a swimming fish. It flexibly shuttles back and forth in the traffic flow, ignoring the traffic lights in front and continues to run forward.

"I'll go, this year's" Can't speed and passion be achieved and it's not possible to shoot in China? It's really more Van Diesel than Van Diesel! "

"Emmmm ... improper, extremely improper."

"Your elders have such awesome car skills. Why do you want to grab a taxi with our group of colleagues? Isn't it good to run your F1 Grand Prix honestly?"

"I'm going, there are rows of noodles, there are extremely rows of noodles!"

"Hurry up and shoot a short video and send it to the circle of friends. I will become a celebrity in a minute on Weibo!"

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