The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 4358: Helping you means helping me again!

By the end of the treatment, the man with the broken arm was completely collapsed, and the whole man was paralyzed in a wooden barrel without moving.

The horse-faced old man looked down at the dark brown poisonous blood floating in the wooden barrel, only to find a very strange pale gold in the dark brown.

After seeing this scene, the two white eyebrows of Ma's old face were twisted together directly, saying, "I have walked the rivers and lakes for so many years, but I have never seen such a poisonous snake venom."

"So, even if I am an old man, I can only use special formula soup, supplemented by a unique method to force these snake venom out of your body, and force them out a little."

Speaking of this, Ma Lianyu spoke a little, then she laughed dumbly again, said.

"Since the old man retired from the rivers and lakes, it is really rare to see anyone who can use the poisonous technique so exquisitely. It actually makes it difficult for the old man to resolve it ..."

"Hey, hey ... the little lady's skin is so good, but in front of you, this is just a small trick of a worm and an axe, it's not worth mentioning at all!"

"The poisonous poison that the little maiden's skin had before was not easily resolved by Senior Yun in the end ?!"

"All in all, thanks to Yun Yun's predecessor, you shot it up. If it weren't for Yun Yun, then I would have died on the spot, and my life would soon die!"

The man with the broken arm shivered at this time, and slowly climbed out of the barrel slowly. He was mouthful, panting heavily, and the whole man looked very weak.

But even so, the man with the broken arm still did not forget to arch his hand at the old face of the horse, with a charming and flattering look, said.

However, for the flattering compliment with the broken-arm man, Yun Muyu was naturally very useful for this, she shook her hand casually and said, "We are all part of the same organization, and we all serve the adult. . "

"Secondly, helping you is actually helping me. That Xiaofan killed my husband, even if it wasn't for you, I would kill him to take revenge near me!"

While talking, I saw Yun Muyu's eyes turn, and then fell on the broken arm on the side of the table, could not help but regret, said.

"Unfortunately, your right arm ..."

"If the poison you have this time is not so toxic, then the old man can think of a way to help you connect this arm."

"But now, your right arm has been completely occupied by that overbearing snake venom."

"If you connect this right arm directly to you at this time, even if you take a step back and say 10,000 steps, your pen can still be used, but because of its domineering, the fierce snake venom is enough for you Dead a thousand times, ten thousand times! "

Having said that, Yun Muyu's tone was a little, and then she spoke sharply again.

"But that's it again."

"If at that time, you had a slight hesitation after being bitten by that black snake."

"According to the situation at the time, if you would cut off your right arm for another second at night, even if I was old, I might not be able to save your life from closing the ghost door ..."

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