The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 4400: This is not the case!

After thinking about Yan Baoer's admonition to herself before, this made Zhang Xiaofan grit his teeth and ran his head hard, carrying a hundred avoiding knives, and ran forward hundreds of kilometers.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan had already ran out of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and even this huge Jiangnan area was almost run out by him.

However, the distance that Zhang Xiaofan ran out at his feet kept growing.

In the same way, he also felt that his body was like a hairy crab trapped in a steamer, and his whole body had 36,000 pores, and each one seemed to be pierced with a needle.

Such a feeling really makes people feel a sense of despair.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan could not help but feel very horrified and confused, he was a bit confused at this time.

Even if you are a hundred avoiding knives with a weight of hundreds of pounds, you can run thousands of kilometers at once, then it doesn't make sense to feel this kind of painful and itchy body?

However, considering that Yan Baoer was also a man from Yincaodifu, he would never deceive himself in this matter.

Zhang Xiaofan did not doubt Yan Baoer's words to himself before leaving home.

Besides, although Yan Baoer's skin is really hard to serve.

But even so, she didn't make sense of joking with herself on this matter.

While Zhang Xiaofan was thinking secretly in his heart, his two eyebrows were tightly screwed together at this time.

He felt that he couldn't bear the mania in his body, and the heat of the Pentium was constantly rushing between the limbs.

Zhang Xiaofan now, almost all the pores on his body are completely opened at this time, and his body is sweating uncontrollably.

As a result, this sweating is not false, but it can obviously make Zhang Xiaofan feel the dryness and sullen accumulated in his body, and the feeling of boredom is obviously less than that just now.

After being aware of this change in the body, this is also a great boost for Zhang Xiaofan!

Suddenly, his heart moved, and somehow he understood the real reason why Yan Baoer couldn't stop running for the first time and could not stop.

It is well known that when the pores of a person's body are opened outward, the qi in the body will swim outward.

And running is to make all the muscles, bones, and internal organs of the body move together. In this way, the closed pores are forcibly opened, and the vitality in Zhang Xiaofan is excreted.

Zhenqi itself is the most precious essence of the human body. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, this kind of thing is innate and it is difficult to increase it by acquired means.

In addition, things like Zhenqi are not only difficult to increase the day after tomorrow, but also with the process of aging, the Qi in the human body will start to be continuously consumed.

This is why in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, when a person has been rescued, he will usually use the words "exhausted energy" to describe it.

The reason is also very simple. The "qi" in it represents the true qi in the human body. If a person does not even have the qi, then it is only a ray of remnant. Death is the question of time. Nothing more.

However, for ordinary people, it is completely "infuriating" that can equate their lives ...

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