The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 4742: Who is the paper tiger!

Li Biaoqiang is just getting closer to the past, and wants to see what this young man who is surrounded by so many stars in black and surrounded by Gongyue, is even older than him! .

It's just that Li Biaoqiang hasn't had time to come before Zhang Xiaofan.

He did not expect that at this moment, he would suddenly yell like a thunderous thunder from his ears!

In addition, this was the shout of hundreds of strong and brawny brawny men, who suddenly shocked him. His knees were soft and his **** slumped to the ground.

However, these black-handed thugs were so insulting and embarrassing about Li Biaoqiang that they didn't see it at all.

After asking Zhang Xiaofan well, each of them stood straight up, unsmiling, and stood side by side in a stern manner, extremely quiet.

Compared to this group of people in black, they are the villagers of Dongsheng Village. They have all been ashamed when they saw Li Biaoqiang. After the funny move, they all couldn't help but start laughing in twos and twos. stand up.

After listening to the villagers of Dongsheng Village behind them, they laughed like jokes.

Li Biaoqiang, who was still squatting on the ground, finally reacted. He was so angry that he got up from the ground in one click, "Yu-!" .

"Mom sells lots. I'll go to your eldest man. Who are you trying to scare in such a big battle now?"

"You gang of black-hearted businessmen, don't think that you have two bad money in your hands, you can hire two bodyguards to do whatever you want in front of Lao Tzu, and you want to calm down Lao Tzu!

"I tell you, it's useless, this is just a paper tiger!"

"Today Lao Tzu put his words here. If you don't come up with an answer that pleases Lao Tzu today, you won't be good one by one today!"

Li Biaoqiang said more and more excited, his finger directly pointed at Qin Xiyan who just trot before Zhang Xiaofan, threatened his teeth.

"Especially you, you stupid mother-in-law, there was a group of notes in front of you to protect you, but now there are no notes, I see who else can protect you-!"

However, just when Li Biaoqiang was pointing at his nose and cursing Qin Xiyan, he suddenly felt dark before he saw that Shao wénqiáng had come to him somehow.

"You ... what do you want to do ?!"

To tell the truth, a little cricket such as Li Biaoqiang called him a "cricket ant" in the eyes of Shao Wénqiáng, and that was lifting him up.

Of course, generally speaking to such a "little sister" as the grand boss of the Kowloon Gang, the three giants in the south of the river are naturally disdainful.

But nowadays, "Master Zhang" is now standing behind him and watching. His younger brother must not perform well in front of the "Boss". !!

I saw that Shao Wénqiáng didn't hesitate, raised his hand and grabbed Li Biaoqiang's neck collar.

Seeing this shao wénqiáng didn't even say hello, he just started to do it. The surprised Li Biaoqiang was backing up, while reaching out to resist.

However, Shao Wénqiáng's speed of this shot was really too fast. His right arm just looked forward, so he didn't give Li Biaoqiang any room to dodge ....

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