The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 4764: It's pretty quick to come back!

Moreover, Li Biaoqiang previously promised the compensation of RMB 10,000 and RMB 20,000 in front of the public. If no one would be tempted by these people, it would be a deceit!

You know, villagers in Dongsheng Village, like them, will not make a lot of money this year, and many of them will still have to save their money and live on the pension of the elderly in the family.

Therefore, for the village mules with them, this eleven, twenty thousand is definitely a huge sum that you may not dream of!

Even if only the front line can get the opportunity of this huge sum of money, these villagers who are delicious and lazy and hang on to eat will not want to give up so easily.

"I won't go--!"

"In the second half of my life, my old grandson still expects this pharmaceutical factory to give me the end of his retirement. They are my good grandson and my cash machine. He will give me whatever I want!"

I saw that the oldest and the fiercest was also the old grandson.

I saw that when he lay down at the gate of the pharmaceutical factory, he put on a rogue that would not give way to being killed!

To this dry and thin old man, Zhang Xiaofan had previously mentioned to Qin Xiyan in his arms.

At the very beginning, it was this emaciated little old man and Li Biaoqiang and other village mules who were the most fierce and gave the matter to one of the biggest people.

But in this regard, Zhang Xiaofan's face is still the same as before, or the pair, with a leisurely and leisurely expression.

His hand is still big and Qin Xiyan's slender thigh wrapped in stockings. He holds the goblet in one hand and shakes the champagne in the glass. ? !!

However, at this moment, the villagers of Dongsheng Village who had just gone out looking for their son and daughter were back again.

However, this time the villagers of Dongsheng Village did not come back from their group. They also came back with a group of people not far behind them. In this case, at least one hundred people should be seen. Look.

It seems that the villagers who helped find children before also returned.

After seeing this scene, the original Biaozi who was still discouraged and frustrated seemed suddenly full of vitality, and the whole person immediately came to spirit!

"Hahahaha ..."

"I told you just now? The folks will eventually come back to me!"

"No, it didn't take long for the folks to come back to work after finishing the work at hand? And, this time, there are hundreds of people!"

"Brothers, as long as we continue to hold here and resist, I believe there will be many folks coming back one after another!"

"Although the big guy is relieved, if there is someone who is anxious now, that person can't be counted on our head no matter how it is calculated. The senior leaders of the pharmaceutical factory are even more anxious than us ..."

Brother Biao Zi excitedly yelled at the group of puppies under his own hands, and after hearing these words, the people in this room seemed to have found the backbone of their hearts, and their proud smiles hung on their respective faces. Face.

"Drink, Shuqin sister-in-law, your bear Xiong Waer found it? Why did you come back so soon ..."

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