The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 4920: The magic has finally come!


Seeing this, Qin Zeng's eyes flickered, and he saw that his right hand was gripped. The surface of the lake, which was hundreds of feet long, collapsed instantly, and the ice debris scattered around the sky.

Looking again, I saw that within a few hundred feet of this circle, there was nothing but infiltration. There was no trace of anger, and all living things were scattered into the air as ice debris.

"Congratulations, Master Congratulations, great work!"

The two bodies flickered, but they reappeared on the top of the snow-capped mountains previously occupied by Qin Zongheng. Everything before was like a dream, so illusory, so ethereal.

After Er Haixiang stayed still for a long time, he returned from the previous shock. He fell down with respect and respect, with a respectful expression and respect.

"Hmm, God of War, Long Qianzhang, Qin Zongzong has already accomplished his skill successfully, and I will return to Huaxia once again, and let me teach you the tricks of your God of War!"

Qin stood and stood above the dangerous cliffs, and a black robe was hunted by the howling winds on the top of the mountain, and his momentum was soaring towards the sky, as if to embarrass the whole world. .

Qin Zongzhuang looked at the world and was full of strong self-confidence. His hard-working trick for more than 20 years was finally a success.

He believes that he has returned to Huaxia again after many years, and when he makes a comeback, he can truly be invincible to the world. He will wash all the stigma left by him on the land of Huaxia 21 years ago, and revive the power of Tianmen!

In this regard, Wu Haixiang on the side is still respectfully standing beside Qin Zong's side.

His mouth opened and closed, as if he wanted to say something, but he just swallowed it back when he reached the mouth, apparently there was some fear in his heart.

"I also think that you are my chief disciple of Qin Zongzhuang. If you want to say something, just say it straight away. There is no need to cover up in front of the deity ..."

Between the words, Qin Zong's gaze was still looking into the distance, and he did not look at Ming Haixiang behind him, but he had a thorough understanding of what he thought at the moment.

"Master ..."

After seeing Qin Zongzhuang saying so, Wu Haixiang didn't have any worries, and straightforwardly said.

"This time you come to China again, I wonder if you still have to deal with the young Lord who killed Brother Chu ?!"

In this regard, Qin Zongzhuang could not agree, laughed wildly on his back, said.

"I Qin Zongzong, since the practice of martial arts, has always adhered to a word must do, the action must be fruit!"

"Not to mention, such a young man who has already stepped into the state of His Holiness even in a weak crown year, naturally, he also wants to meet with him!"

Although Qin Zong is now laughing, but in his words, he reveals a strong coldness, killing, full of fierce taste.

"Master, this young lord, Jiangnan, Master Zhang, just killed someone almost a few days ago ..."

Er Haixiang's eyes flickered for a moment, and it was obvious that there was something in his heart that was a bit jealous.


Qin Zeng turned around half-turned, and at a glance he saw the color of the egg that could not be hidden at all from the big disciple under his seat.

"Listening to you, this deity wants to know. What kid did this young man kill? How can you even make you jealous?"

"Want to come, this person should not be a general generation ..."

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