The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5091: One evil devil is enough!

At this time, Qin Zongheng knew more than anyone, and understood one thing.

That is, this is currently the only opportunity he can have to kill Zhang Xiaofan directly.

In case, Qin Zong really missed the only opportunity to kill Zhang Xiaofan this time.

If you really want Zhang Xiaofan to return to the mountain forest, when he goes out again next time, it will not be Zhang Xiaofan, but Qin Zongheng!

Therefore, now that Qin Zongzhuang and Zhang Xiaofan have fallen into the endless situation, Zhang Qinfan is now in a state of endlessness.

Then, Qin Zongzhuang's affection and reason could not be allowed to let go of the world like Zhang Xiaofan.

This can threaten his status as a monarch in the realm of cultivation, and may even threaten his own life in the future. Qin Zongheng will never let him appear!

Now, there is already a "military god" Long Qianzhang who can defeat himself 21 years ago in the Huaxia cultivation world. This is enough.

He Qin Zongzong never allowed the same evildoer to appear again!

Although, Zhang Xiaofan's true energy can be hard to shake with Qin Zong in the front.

But even so, he still didn't really take Zhang Xiaofan to heart, at best, he just admired it in his heart.

You know, the word "overlord" by Qin Zong is not something that the world has touted and touted.

His prestige of the "overlord" was punched and kicked, and defeated by the honorable lords of Huaxia. Is it not worthy of name? !! !!

In terms of Qin Zong's combat experience and his fighting methods, that naturally does not allow anyone to question!

"call out--!!!"

The next moment, he saw Qin Zong's soles slamming towards the lake.

The moment he dropped his foot, I saw that the surface of the lake had sunk directly into the crowd's field of vision, as if it were bearing the invisible force that it could not bear at all.

Suddenly, Qin Zong and his entire body flew up from the lake in the sky, as if Dapeng spread his wings.

In just a blink of an eye, he crossed the distance of dozens of feet directly to Zhang Xiaofan's head.

Such a speed, even the Yang family head Yang Tianqiang, who once died under Zhang Xiaofan's hands, has his world-renowned cheats for "body shrinking into inches".

Compared with the body styles displayed by Qin Zongheng at this time, there is absolutely no comparability between the two.

This is because the body-building cheats exhibited by Qin Zongheng at this moment are infinitely close to the extent of teleportation, and cannot be captured by the naked eye at all.

I saw that Qin Zong's tall and burly figure ran across the sky, and his left arm stretched his right hand forward above his head, turning his palm into a fist.

He was like a strong bow full in the midst of the air, falling from top to bottom!

Suddenly, the myriad of true energies were tearing frantically, compressing the air passing through the mid-air, and the rain curtain that was pouring down was cut into two halves directly from it.

A majestic force of horror was also rushing in, and he bitten at Zhang Xiaofan's heavenly cover!

Qin Zong's attack was quite powerful, and his fist has not yet arrived. I saw Zhang Xiaofan's feet round the lake .....

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