The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5102: Is this your hole card!

That is--

No matter how the red boxing fist was suppressed by Qin Zong's overlord fist, Zhang Xiaofan's footsteps did not move half a step from the beginning to the end. He still stood proudly on the lake surface and remained motionless.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaofan's handsome and extraordinary face, the corners of his mouth were raised, sketching a cynical arc, suddenly, said.

"Qin Zongzong, is this your biggest hole card? Has the king punched ?!"

Zhang Xiaofan's remarks were powerful and vocal, and there was absolutely no feeling of breathlessness and unspeakableness caused by Qin Zongba ’s fist suppression of shorthand.

After being aware of this, the hearts of those present were appalled.

You must know that under the horror of the "Bawangquan" that Qin Zongzeng exerted his best efforts, Zhang Xiaofan not only failed to retreat, but also showed a strong crossbow.

On the contrary, he is still just like a okay person, but he is able to spit words clearly, his nose is long and powerful, there is no effort at all, or signs of insufficient strength are present.

However, compared to the uncertainty in the hearts of others present, Qin Zongheng was full of pride on his old face at this time, he said loudly.

"Yes, this is one of the deities' cards, Bawangquan."

"How is it? Master Zhang, can your deity's overlord fist satisfy you?"

At this moment, the horrific power of the hegemon of the King of Kings has completely permeated.

I saw that the air seemed to be frozen at this moment within the range of more than a hundred feet, making it difficult for people to breathe.

At the same time, this made the nearby lords all look startled and trembled.

Because, as early as twenty-one years ago, they had witnessed Qin Zongzhuang's strength firsthand, and they were naturally very clear in their hearts.

The emperor's fist can't be beaten, and someone will splatter on the spot and kill Huang Quan ...

At this moment, Qin Zong's expression on his face turned out to be a little crazy, and even said that the hysteria was in it.

You know, in the years when Qin Zongzhuang has become famous in the Chinese world of cultivation.

Each time his overlord fist succeeded in gaining the death of a person, his three souls and six souls will be sealed in the overlord fist.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the power of so many three souls and six souls who had died under the hands of Qin Zongheng, this will also make the "Bawangquan" itself stronger than before.

In addition, the stronger the cultivator who died under Qin Zongba ’s hegemon fist, the stronger the increase in the power of hegemon ’s fist itself!

In addition, not only can Bawangquan not only consume the three souls and six souls of the killed monk, but it can also devour the true spirit of the monk, making the power of Bawangquan increase geometrically.

However, like Zhang Xiaofan, there are no ancient people before, and no one comes after. In the true sense, they can be called the wicked talents of the ancient times.

If Qin Zongheng can give Zhang Xiaofan a fist, then the power of Qin Zonghuang's overwhelming fist will surely be changed dramatically and reborn!

"If it can really do as the deity wishes."

"Then, when it comes to Long Qianzhang, the deity can also defeat the old guy by one more point ..."

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