The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5113: It's just the evil in the evil!

This implies that Zhang Xiaofan's tens of thousands of tons of force in his body was thrown fiercely, and Qin Zongzhuang was directly thrown into the bottom of the West Lake. Only the waves surged up, but his figure did not appear.

The cigarette on Zhang Xiaofan's mouth is only half burned, and he is still enjoying it all comfortably.

It seems that at this moment, it is not himself who is fighting the Qin Zong.

Now, he is more like a bystander sitting with his legs crossed and sitting in a movie theater watching a movie. How can he be relaxed and comfortable? !!

"This guy, it's really evil ..."

"No, it should be the evil among the evil ..."

At this moment, Sun Wanshou's eyes had been dignified to a point. At this time, his face was not half provocative, dissatisfied, and replaced by deep fear and fear.

At the same time, Mu Haisheng also shook his head at this time and sighed deeply.

He thinks that his inheritance method of Shennongtang can arrogantly stand out from the crowd.

Even if he can't really stand on the apex of the Chinese realm of cultivation, he also has the same mind that he can rank among the top ten in the realm of cultivation.

But after seeing Zhang Xiaofan's shocking move, Mu Haisheng realized this afterwards--

He is just a frog at the bottom of the well who has been sitting in the well watching the sky. The world he sees is too narrow.

Today, above the West Lake, Qin Zongheng and Zhang Xiaofan are two.

Whether they are any of them, they can easily wipe their Shennongtang from this Huaxia map with their hands and feet!


The surface of the West Lake, which had just calmed for a few seconds, rioted again at this moment, and a wolverine flew out of the West Lake.

This person is not someone else, it is Qin Zongheng!

At this moment, Qin Zongzong is compared with the image of a hidden world master with a distinguished temperament compared to the previous Xianfengdao bone.

At this time, his smoky mid-suit was already covered with mud and sand at the bottom of the West Lake.

In addition, the corners of Qin Zongzhuang's mouth are constantly overflowing with blood traces, and the clothes on the back are directly stained with blood!

Needless to say, although Zhang Xiaofan's previous attack did not seriously hurt Qin Zongzhuang, he was definitely not at ease in carrying it.

At this moment, far away from Zhang Xiaofan, his heart was shaking.

In the face of Zhang Xiaofan, he quite felt like a dog biting a hedgehog and couldn't get down!

With such a feeling of inability to resist, Qin Zongheng has entered the practice of self-cultivation, and now it's the first time that he has reached fifty and Zai.

Even if he had fought against the "army god" Long Qianzhang in Peiping, the capital 21 years ago, he had not fallen into such a bad situation that he was passively beaten and could not fight back.

"Master Zhang —— !!!"

Qin Zongzhuang clenched his hands and covered his bones and joints at the moment like a fried bean.

I saw that Qin Zongzhuang, who was originally as tall as a tower, was again shrunk back to the shape of a giant, and returned to its original appearance.

"Master Zhang, it is undeniable that you are truly stunning and truly brilliant, and you really are so ancient and modern!"

"No wonder you are so arrogant and arrogant that you do have this capital ..."

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