The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5413: The killer was solved by me!

In the face, those ladylike Qianjin who are like headless flies, big and small, look at Xiang Haidong and feel a big head for a while, the whole person is constantly messy in the wind.

This is a world of excitement, and he is naturally familiar with Haidong.

However, when such a huge change really took place, his brain was "Om!", Blank, completely ignorant of how to deal with it, can only stand in the same place with a mallet, froze. .

At the same time, compared to the already completely panicked, Xiang Yundong's brain was blank, Lin Yun'er's pair of deer eyes flashed a thoughtful look.

At this time, although Sister Rong and his team of bodyguards gave her three layers inside, the three layers outside were protected in the middle.

However, her pair of beautiful eyes are still watching the back of Zhang Xiaofan for a moment.

Earlier, when Zhang Xiaofan was suddenly, rudely and domineeringly embraced in her arms, a feeling of unprecedented familiarity instantly spread to her limbs and bones.

At the same time, the peaked cap and the face under the brim flashed in Lin Yuner's eyes.

This throbbing sensation deep in her deepest memory is sweeping her body, making her unable to calm for a long time.

"Really ..... is he really ?!"

"No, if it were him, how could he not even recognize me?"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan walking slowly out of the banquet hall until passing by her, leaving only a chic back.

Among them, Lin Yuner always wanted to step forward to ask about it and see if Zhang Xiaofan was the "man" deep in his memory.

However, in the process, Sister Rong was leading several bodyguards to protect herself in the center.

Among them, some people directly put some iron pieces that can be used as temporary shields in the middle to block their vital parts. As if they were close to the enemy, they looked closely and looked around, watching With any slightest wind blowing grass!

"The crisis has been lifted and all killers have been resolved!"

After Zhang Xiaofan walked two steps forward, it seemed like he suddenly thought of something. He paused, and rushed to Lin Yun'er and his party with a saltiness.

In this regard, Sister Rong had her eyes fixed, with a vacant gaze, looking up and down on Zhang Xiaofan.

"How do you know that all the killers have been solved ?!"

Sister Rong is not stupid, she naturally knows that in fact the sniper who tried to snip Lin Yuner must still be hiding at some commanding heights nearby.

For example, the surrounding hills also have some hotel buildings built on the mountainside.

Therefore, Sister Rong was taking Lin Yun'er into a place where there were walls on all sides and no vision.

However, this may still be suddenly attacked by other killers besides snipers.

After all, since this sniper dared to shoot qiāng to shoot Lin Yuner in such a large and noisy banquet hall, it must have made other arrangements after that, and it was in the back.

It can be said that now that he has to pay full attention and be highly alert, he may make a slight mistake, and if he is not careful, it may make Lin Yuner completely eliminate the jade ...

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