The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5548: Battle for the Sword!

With a sword in hand, an extremely strong sword spirit swept away from the feet of the black and white Shuangsha couple towards the four sides.

The flowers and trees along the way were cut in half on the ground, even the calm river flowing by.

At this time, it was also smashed by the astonishing swordsmanship.

Seeing this happening in front of him, Fang Dongbai and Chen Guyan's complexion also became more dignified.

In their hearts, they felt an unprecedented pressure on them for no reason.

As everyone knows, the real Yuan Xiu of these two black and white double evils is quite overbearing.

Moreover, the two were not only really Yuan Xiu being very overbearing.

Even in the rankings of the Huaxia Xiuzhen Gold List, it is no small matter, ranking fifth and sixth respectively.

Therefore, even if Chen Guyan, Fang Dongbai's two peerless powerhouses felt very difficult and difficult to deal with in the face of black and white.

However, just as Black and White Shuangsha was facing Chen Guyan and Fang Dongbai confronted each other.

But listening only, two more voices came from far and near.

I saw that the two figures drove the black and white swords from Cong Changming, and the couple Fei Qingchen appeared behind them.

This person is also a man and a woman, but compared to the longevity of Fei Qingchen and Fei Qingchen, the two are quite young, but they are only 23 or 4 years old.

On the surface, this looks like a very sweet, very loving little couple.

I saw that when the man and the woman just showed up, they shook their hands and arched at the black and white pair.

"Master, Master!"

In response, when the two men and women rushed to the battlefield, the two men nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Chang Changming pointed his fingers at the three of Sun Lingfeng, Fang Qianyuan and Chen Feixue, and said.

"My master and I, let Fang Dongbai and Chen Guyan stay here."

"The two of you took advantage of this opportunity to directly start a robber and grab the three disasters of that karma!"

"You guys, my long-chosen genius children, carefully selected, will definitely not lose to these three milky little dolls!"

The young men and women nodded one after another to Chang Changming's words, and their eyes also fell on the dart car.

After seeing this pair of men and women suddenly killed, Fang Dongbai saw that the situation was not good, and he screamed loudly.

"Thousand Yuan, Ling Feng's little brother, Fei Xue's niece, we'll have a fight with Black and White Shuangsha later."

"Therefore, this pair of men and women will be entrusted to you to deal with, and we must not ruin our century-old reputation of the Dragon Gate Dart!"

In this regard, Sun Lingfeng, Chen Feixue, and Fang Qianyuan naturally knew in their hearts how important this matter was to the 100-year reputation of the Longmen Dart.

Therefore, they did not dare to neglect one by one, showing the tendency of horns, and escorted the dart car "Three disasters of the industry fire" behind them.

Ready, ready to face a war at any time!

"Let's take a closer look and see if the strengths of this Excalibur and Long-armed Swords can match their reputation!"

Speaking, when I saw Wu Changming, he shouted on the spot, and the black huge sword in his hand waved directly .......

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