The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5740: Endless attack

For example, the emerald golden toad, the red crimson fruit, and the red ebony sandalwood all mature every other year.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan counts the time, and it takes almost half a year or so before the time of receiving their fruits.

Of all the Celestial God Trees, it is the Petunia snowdrop that grows most slowly, and it is not known that it will not be until the year of the monkey that they can gain something from it.

However, the essence conceived from this snowdrop lotus water has become one of Zhang Xiaofan's most profitable cornucopias.

Among them, Yayue Cosmetics Co., Ltd. currently in charge of Shen Yueyue all relies on this petal of snowdrop water to make its reputation in China and the world.

Therefore, if we only want to talk about economic value, if Xue Xuelian wants to recognize the second, I am afraid that no other heavenly **** tree dares to recognize the first.

In addition, among the petals of this snowdrop lotus, a drop of milky white flower dew is condensed every day, and Zhang Xiaofan named it the petal Jinlian dew.

Therefore, in terms of the beauty and beauty effect of this petal, it is thousands of times faster than the petals of snowdrop water.

However, it is a pity that there is too little production of this golden lotus dew daily.

Last time, Zhang Xiaofan managed to collect a small bottle of petals of Golden Lotus, and planned to give it to Ying Bao's mother when he visited the house in the future.

This can also be regarded as a small meeting gift to my future mother-in-law in advance.

But again, due to the limitation of production, this golden lotus flower can only be used as a gift.

For the time being, Zhang Xiaofan has no intention of putting Fang Jinlianlu on Yayue Cosmetics Company and bringing it to the market.

When Zhang Xiaofan was thinking secretly, the change of the space in front of him quickly made him see another scene of great annoyance.

"I rely on ... !!!"

I saw that the mountains and the mountains were like tide waters.

This group of single-celled alien creatures, one by one, is like an endless one, and they start a wave after wave of Zhang Xiaofan's Qipanshan Manor, like a tide.

Zhang Xiaofan simply took a look, these Zerg Zerglings add up almost, there are hundreds of heads!

There is no doubt that during the period when Zhang Xiaofan did not come to Qipanshan Manor.

The Zerg Zerg in the depths of Qipanshan did not give up the intention to stop the attack, but was constantly accumulating strength, preparing to give him a large wave of Zhang Xiaofan.

And in the exact center of the Zergge worm, after a tyrannical worm, he stared at Zhang Xiaofan coldly across a distant distance.

Obviously, it has been waiting here for a while, just to wait for Zhang Xiaofan to appear.

After seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaofan pumped the corners of his mouth, and a nameless fire ignited in his chest.

Immediately afterwards, he clenched his teeth, and cursed again: "I rely on, there is no end ?!"

After this tyrannical bug, the Zerg Zerg played a leading role, allowing the zerg nest to continue to multiply.

It can be said that these are now launching suicidal attacks, launching waves of their own small manor, and another wave of onslaught Zeggers are all born from the incubation of this violent insect.

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