The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5742: Comprehensive defense

Especially the Fuyu Sword Axeman and Fuyu Giant Shielder who rushed to the front, their bodies were gnawed, bitten, and ruined by Zegger jumping insects.

Although, at this time, they have been doing their best to continuously cut out the sword in their hands and hold up the shield in their hands.

But no matter what, this group of Zerg's Zerglings was obviously prepared this time, just to wait for Zhang Xiaofan's appearance and make a sudden attack.

Therefore, the dozen or so Fu Fu Dao Axemen and Fu Fu Giant Shield Hand will fall down every ten minutes or so and never stand up again.

It is Zhang Xiaofan's follow-up Dark Swordsman who spent enough money in the Treasure Pavilion, but he clearly knew the swordsmanship, and knew how to fight the guerrilla warfare with these Zeggers.

In addition, each of the three dark-sword swordsmen also formed an offensive and defensive array method, and they were systematically defending against the Zerg Zerglings, which were like waves of fierce attacks.

In addition, not only that, but also in terms of their own speed and strength, this group of dark descent swordsmen is far from being comparable to the Fujian Sword Axeman and Fuyu Giant Shieldman.

Among them, the power of the sword that they chopped out can almost be compared with Zhang Xiaofan, who was once in the state of Wuqi Chaoyuan and condensed the state of God.

And the last one is Zhang Xiaofan's last defensive hole card left in this Qipanshan manor!

That is, the Jiuli Flame Totem of Jiuli!

I saw, above the Jiuli flame totem, the mysterious and complicated runes were engraved, and the totem was burning with red crimson flames.

This Jiuli flame totem, every 10 seconds or so, will be directly forward, in the densest Zerg Zerg swarms, release a red flame.


This fire is not an ordinary flame, but like a blazing flame after the blessing of the Jiuli tribe.

In this earthly world, almost everything can be burned, and the flames are surging!

I saw that the Jiuli Flame Totem began to burn, but dozens of Zerg Zerglings were immediately ignited into clusters of coke.

Through the blazing flame, you can faintly hear the screaming wailing sound of the jumping worm, and it instantly turns into ashes and disappears.

Moreover, this is not the most powerful.

The most terrible thing is that because the number of Zerg Zerglings who came in was too large, this caused one of the Zerg Zerglings to be ignited by flames.

Soon, a lot of Zerg Zerglings near him, like the Starfire Takihara, began to be ignited in groups, and many of the companions next to him were also the city gate fire and pond fish.

I saw that the raging fire was like the tide, facing the wind, and began to spread toward the surrounding area. It seemed that the entire small manor planting the Celestial God Tree was instantly reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

"I rely on, my Jiuxiao Cloud Thunder Fairy Fruit Tree!"

After seeing this small manor house, several of them were lit by the fire released from Jiuli's flame totem. Zhang Xiaofan immediately felt like a knife twisting his heart. Ok? !!

I saw that he took three steps and made two steps. He rushed to the pond in the manor and started to use wooden barrels to hold the water in the pond ...

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