The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5762: Dare not make fun of

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan finally realized afterwards that why Qin Xiyan, the young lady's skin, had already sat in the car, the fundamental reason for not taking off the sunglasses.

It turned out that this was all for the children who were talking about now, and they could not hold it, and they were laying the groundwork.

Sure enough, the routine in the city is deep, and I want to go back to the countryside .....

"Ah ... hh ... hh ..."

"Only by virtue of Chen Zhonghu's medical skills and the century-old heritage of the Emperor Chen family."

"He can come up with such a hundred battles, and that's a matter of course."

"However, Qin Xiyan doesn't have to worry too much about this."

"If, if things really say to you."

"Everyone who takes these battles will be able to have the kind of effect that you can use to overcome Naihuan. There must be a very rare treasure in it."

"However, if this is the case, it is obviously very unrealistic to circulate on the market because of the limitations of raw materials and want to achieve mass production."

"Of course, if you have special needs in this area, you can find me and I can give you a satisfactory formula ..."

Zhang Xiaofan, while driving a Ferrari, said indifferently.

"What? You can deploy even this kind of battle!"

Although Zhang Xiaofan's words were an understatement, the shock in Qin Xiyan's ears was completely different.

I saw Qin Xi Yan Mei's eyes widened, and a burst of excitement appeared in her heart.

"It is natural, and the secret recipe is formulated by my hand. If it is to be compared with Chen Zhonghu's invincible battle in terms of medicinal effects, it is better than that!"

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at Qin Xiyan lightly, who wanted to be sloppy and wanted to come to the last sentence.

If you really do n’t believe it, then we can come to the last one to practice the truth and accompany you to try it out.

However, Zhang Xiaofan's ridicule had already come to his lips, but then he was swallowed back again.

Reasonably, Zhang Xiaofan feels that the CEO is really far from what he first knew.

Compared to the kind of high-cold female CEO who I just met, Qin Xiyan is now like a cactus covered with thorns, and that style of work is really too sturdy.

If so, at this time Zhang Xiaofan wants to tune-in to Qin Xiyan.

In the end, it was really an unknown whether it was her own play or her play.

"Just the guy who talks on paper ..."

Qin Xiyan poked his lips, disapproving his face, said.

Zhang Xiaofan: "emmm ..... wrong person, extremely bad person ..."

To tell the truth, Zhang Xiaofan really had an impulse in his heart. He wanted to stop the car directly, and then directly pressed the little lady's skin on the front passenger seat to straighten it in place.

However, just when Zhang Xiaofan was thinking secretly, if he wanted to go, he just listened to Qin Xiyan sitting in the front passenger seat and said again.

"Zhang Xiaofan, there is one thing you guessed wrong. The battles that Chen Zhonghu has developed are not lost, and it is entirely possible for mass production ..."

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