The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5784: Dragon spirit is back to me

When he said this, the middle-aged man's face remained unchanged. In his eyes, what Zhang Xiaofan is doing now is nothing more than a dying struggle.


For the sneer and sarcasm of the middle-aged man, Zhang Xiaofan just hummed and ignored.

He raised his neck, his eyes firmly locked on the twenty-four bronze figures that had climbed to the highest point, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.

The next instant, he saw Zhang Xiaofan lift his right hand, and then straight out into the sky.

"Everything is embarrassing!"

"Fire the city Guo-!!!"

As Zhang Xiaofan's words fell, I saw that his arm raised into the air was rapidly lavaizing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally quickly condensed into a hot, gorgeous lava giant, rising into the sky.

Just a breathless effort, the lava giant who covered the sky directly wrapped the twenty-four bronze figures firmly in it and devoured them.


With Zhang Xiaofan's right hand stunned, he just heard "Boom--!", And the loud sound of deafness sounded.

The next instant, I saw that the towering mountain was actually from the middle of the mountainside, and was directly crushed by the devastating lava giant, exploded, and looked like a volcanic eruption from a distance.

The lava giant rose up from the mountain belly, as if to tear the sky in the distance! .

At this moment, such a terrifying scene was seen by many villagers in the mountain village near the roof of Central China.

They all rubbed their eyes in unison, all thinking that they were hallucinating now and seeing Vulcan being born.

Subsequently, the lava giant's magma fist like a meteor shower will keep falling from the air, turning the earth into a sea of ​​lava fire.

"I think you should understand that the tenth meeting is a force. In the face of absolute strength, the so-called Yirou Kegang is like a joke."

Zhang Xiaofan's voice was so incomparable that he slowly retracted his right arm and carried it with one hand. How could it be easy and comfortable?

In this regard, the middle-aged man was completely stunned, speechless, the whole person's brain died instantly, and he was completely stupid.

Zhang Xiaofan slowly turned around, and once again set his eyes on the middle-aged man.

"Twenty-four major battles in Izawa, I have done everything I can."

"Dragon spirit, it's my turn!"


The roof of Central China, a scenic mecca with its own reputation in China, has once again become the "fragrant scent" of all China's news media.

Many people even shot the pictures of the giant lava giant from the mid-mountain sky with their mobile phones and sold them to some news media at a very good price.

At the same time, it is precisely because of this series of terrible things that happened in the roof of Central China that everyone was shocked.

Inconvenient, the whole mountain peak against the back of the roof in Central China was cut off from it by an invisible giant axe.

And within a range of hundreds of miles around this severed mountain range, all turned into a burning sea of ​​fire.

Just just aiming at such a means, that is to say that there is no real immortal means to step back 10,000 steps, but that is basically the same as half a true god!

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