The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5986: The Chen family is behind the scenes

Zhang Xiaofan seemed to be full of resentment against Lord Liao Siye before, and the swearing curse was ignored.

He is still the same as before, looking pale and indifferent, and slowly speaking about his next question.

Hearing that Liao Siye, who had originally opened his mouth and sprayed dung with a closed mouth, seemed to suddenly get stuck.

I saw that the words of Liao Siye who had just reached his mouth and continued cursing Zhang Xiaofan couldn't even spit out. His throat was shaking up and down and he swallowed a spit.

At this time, it was obvious that the deep resentment could be seen on Liao Siye's face.

He had a thousand questions in his heart about Zhang Xiaofan's previous question, and 10,000 were unwilling to explain.

But at this time, Liao Siye again saw the blood-stained machete in Pan Donglai's hand held up again.

I saw that Yin Hong's blood beads dropped from the blade, and the drops fell on the ground, hitting Liao Siye's heart, which completely dispelled the last thought of stubborn resistance in his heart.

May I ask, in this world, who will be idle and have trouble with their own hands? !!

"Behind this ..."

"The person who directed us to the Jusha Gang behind this is a mysterious and powerful identity who can directly reach the heavens!"

Liao Siye gritted his teeth and finished the words one by one.

Then, at this time, Liao Siye saw Zhang Xiaofan's two eyebrows froze slightly, leaving a trace of dissatisfaction on his face, and hurried to continue to add, said.

"Old ..... Although the old gang master said before that this person behind the scenes who directed us to the Jusha Gang is a big man with good eyesight."

"However, he is sacred about this big-handed man, and the old gangsters are also very secretive about it, and have not mentioned too much about it."

Speaking of which, Liao Siye saw that Zhang Xiaofan's complexion was still gloomy. He did not wait for the latter to speak, and then continued.

"However, I know there is a woman who is very much loved by the old gangster."

"Furthermore, this woman has a little relationship with me. It is a niece of my sister's house. I also got some little news from my niece's side."

"Behind this scene, it was not the others who secretly instructed the old gang to host the event, it was the people from the Emperor Chen's family!"

Liao Siye forced the severe pain in his hands and feet, leaned his neck, and looked away with Zhang Xiaofan.

It seems that Liao Siye is constantly observing Zhang Xiaofan in such a way.

He wanted to see from the expression on Zhang Xiaofan's face that he would react after hearing that the man behind the scenes was Emperor Chen's family!

You should know that the Emperor Chen's family is the top of the imperial capital Peiping, and it is at the top of the pyramid.

This kind of big man who sees the dragon without seeing the end, in terms of the position of Liao Siye and the realm, is not qualified to contact in the past, or even to understand the existence of terror at this highest level.

But this time, even for Liao Siye, he heard the existence of Emperor Chen's family from his nephew's daughter for the first time.

It turned out that among the mortal worlds they live in, there really is a horrible existence that only exists in legends and has been passed down for hundreds of years by the cultivation family ...

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