The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6556: I was looking for this.

Hearing this sudden sound, Wan Duo Lao Gui, Wan Duo Tong Zi apprentice and Su Wanqing all set their eyes on Zhang Xiaofan.

I saw that Zhang Xiaofan didn't bother to care about these two poisonous boys and old poisonous ghosts, and looked at Su Wanqing impatiently.

"I'm not interested in your enmity between Wandumen and Honglianzong. I'll hurry to open them, don't delay my precious time!"

From the beginning, Su Wanqing has been standing on the left hand side of Zhang Xiaofan, because after seeing Wan Du Lao Gui and Wan Du Tong, she was so nervous that Su Wanqing pressed her small hands unconsciously in the courtyard of the courtyard. Over the door.

However, it was because of Su Wanqing that Zhang Xiaofan was quite dissatisfied.

Of course, if Zhang Xiaofan wants to leave, even if it is Tianluodinet in front of him, don't try to trap him for half a minute.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiaofan does not want to expose his strength to the three.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to know, even more interested in knowing all the grudges and complaints from Xiuzhen Sect and the hundreds of families.

Moreover, from the conversation between Wandu Laogui, Wandu Tongzi, and Su Wanqing, Zhang Xiaofan also figured out why that day, in the Shencheng. Shangguan family, why Tian Hongwu of Wuleizong asked When Wu Leizong died in the future, he reached out to Wu Leizong to help.

Today, through the dialogue between these three people, the main purpose of Tian Hongwu's desire to ask for help is to have inextricable links with the people of the nine magic halls.

But at this moment, it was not Wu Leizong's people who came to ask him.

As for the kind of grievances between Wanduo old ghost, Wanduo and Su Wanqing, what does he do with Zhang Xiaofan? !!

Upon hearing this, Su Wanqing stared at the charming Almond, looking at Zhang Xiaofan, and she was also very angry.

This Zhang Xiaofan, which pot is not open and which pot, do you not see what the situation is on the field today? Add chaos here!

In particular, Su Wanqing saw Zhang Xiaofan looking at herself with an impatient look, which made Su Wanqing feel a sense of impatience.


"You go, you go now, hurry up for me!"

I saw that Su Wanqing pushed the door of the courtyard with great anger, and wanted to push Zhang Xiaofan out.

The reason why Su Wanqing chose to do this was to hope that in this way, Zhang Xiaofan could indirectly save his life.

You know, these venomous lads and venomous old ghosts, they are all really hard-hearted, one can say that there is no principle and bottom line in life, and it is ruthless to start with.

It is true that from the perspective of Su Wanqing, she was indeed very disgusted with Zhang Xiaofan, but even so, Su Wanqing did not want to watch the man whom his good girlfriend deeply loved, and thus died here.

In addition, Su Wanqing also knows that it is absolutely impossible for her to retreat from the strong combination of Wandu Laogui and Wandu Tongzi today, and her heart is also desperate. If you can save one, you can save one more. .

At least, Su Wanqing doesn't want Zhang Xiaofan to die because of her own ...

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