The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6558: Secular Power

"Then the two of us, teachers and apprentices, join forces, and look at the whole Emperor who can be one enemy?"

In this regard, Wanduo old ghost slowly shook his head, said.

"Tuer, don't look down on the strong in the secular world!"

"You know, in Didu, there are the chiefs of the Xiuzhen family who have passed down for centuries. Among them is the imperial capital. Wang's family, Wang Zhenyuan's reputation!"

"Moreover, according to the latest information currently available, it seems that the head of the royal family, Wang Zhenyuan, is really between Yuanyuan Xiu and Peng Zhong as a teacher."


"how can that be?!!"

After hearing the words, Wandu Boyi set off waves of turbulence in his heart!

And Su Wanqing is also a beautiful eye, and her mind can't help but start to become alive.

You should know that his master has mentioned to himself more than once. There is a self-cultivation family that has been passed down for more than 100 years in the secular world.

As for Wang Zhenyuan, the current patriarch of the imperial capital. Wang family!

In addition, Su Wanqing also saw in Zhuzi that Wang Zhenyuan once appeared in Shencheng and had a battle with the patriarch of the Shangguan family and Shangguan Invincible!

But at that time, Zhenyuan Xiuwei, as demonstrated by Wang Zhenyuan, had already reached the realm of supernatural powers!

With this in mind, Su Wanqing began to figure out secretly in her heart, wondering if she should do everything possible to delay time, if it could attract Wang Zhenyuan's attention. Maybe, today Su Wanqing can escape from danger ...

Just as Su Wanqing's heart was turning like electricity, she saw Wandu old ghost pressing his throat again and whispering to Wandu boy.

"Actually, remember not to underestimate the mighty powers of the secular world!"

"Almost a hundred years ago, Huaxia's" Dragon God "defeated the former master of my Wandumen!"

"Moreover, the great **** of China'sā€˜ Dragon God ā€™, even among the hundreds of princes and masters of the Buddhism school, who look at the master like clouds, is definitely a terrible existence standing at the top of the pyramid!ā€

"Master, this Chinese god" Dragon God "hasn't appeared in the mundane world for almost a hundred years. Couldn't the master and apprentice be so indifferent? Can they inadvertently disturb" Dragon God "his old man ?! "

"Also, even if you take a step back 10,000 steps, the emperor. Wang family head, Wang Zhenyuan even if his Zhenyuan Xiuwei and Master You are between Bozhong."

"But if you want to be far-sighted, Master, even if Wang Zhenyuan's means are all over the sky, it will be difficult to leave you, our teacher and apprentice, right?"

"It's hard to understand why the prince is, why should you be so cautious, Master?"

At this point, Wanduo Tong slowly revealed many of his inner questions.

You know, their Wandumen themselves are known by the Poisonous Method among the Xiuzhen Sect and the hundreds of princes. Many masters in the cultivation world have heard that their names are escaping.

What's more, even when dealing with the masters of Wandumen, even the real body of Wandumen has never been seen, it is unknown that they were poisoned by thousands of kinds of highly poisonous.

As for the poisonous boy, he even used poisonous technique for his master, Wanduo and the old ghosts .....

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