The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6563: Don't you know yet

"all of these....."

"Did you do all this ?!"

While speaking these words, the old poisonous ghost felt only a sudden surge of unknown premonition in his heart. Such an ominous premonition made him feel a cold burst from the soles of the feet and spread directly to him. Around the body, between limbs and bones.

You know, the old poisonous ghost is a real supernatural power.

Admittedly, the current true Yuan cultivation of Wandu Laogui is only a human realm, but he thinks that although he does n’t pay much attention to the Taoism and other schools, if he is in the worldly world, Among them, how can I be called an absolute superpower!

However, in front of him, his loved one, Wanduo Boy, was given a headshot, and Wanduo Laogui didn't even see clearly from the beginning to the end. When did Zhang Xiaofan start and when did he receive it? Hand.

In front of this, he thought that he was like an ant, and he could crush it to his death with a flick of his fingers. He had been playing pigs and tigers from beginning to end, and he could have such terrible strength. Sideways.


"What the **** are you ?!"

Wan Duo Lao Gui took a sigh of cold air before trying to calm down from the previous shock. His pair of old eyes stared at Zhang Xiaofan and asked with a deep voice.

"Ha ha......"

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan sneered sneer.

"Just now, I don't think you're quite self-aware, have you set your own position?"

"Also, you yourself have said that if you meet me, you and your apprentice will be killed."

"That's it, don't you know who I am ?!"

After hearing this, Wan Duo Lao Gui was a little stunned, then reacted suddenly, and the whole person was frightened and stepped back a full five or six steps.


\ "Do you mean, Wutian Mozun. Zhang Wutian? !!!"

I saw that Wandu old ghost stretched out his thin finger and pointed at Zhang Xiaofan. The whole body began to tremble uncontrollably, and there was a deep and incredible expression on the old face.


After seeing Wan Duo old ghost saying so, Su Wanqing's expression on her pretty face was directly and completely stiffened. Looking at Zhang Xiaofan's back, a ridiculous feeling emerged in the heart, which filled the heart.

Shen Wuyue, her good girlfriend, is a man who is deeply in love, and is actually the world-famous Godless Demon. Zhang Wutian? !! !!

During this time, Su Wanqing secretly followed Zhang Xiaofan in her back, but she just saw Zhang Xiaofan and Zhao Yinger had no serious look, she was a hippie smile every day.

In addition, there is a constant and chaotic relationship between Zhang Xiaofan and Luo Yurou.

Even Su Wanqing had been sneaking around when Zhang Xiaofan went to the ladder classroom to play soy sauce.

However, at that time, the reason why Zhang Xiaofan chose to attend the lecture hall was not to really want to learn advanced knowledge in Peiping University, but to simply use the lecture hall as a place where he and Zhao Ying'er saw each other and fell in love. .

So, at that time in the impression of Su Wanqing ...

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