The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6567: Don't bother me later

"In the face of such a crazy bee and wave butterfly's pursuit, Yueyue still remembers Zhang Xiaofan."


"It turned out that the world-famous hero in Min Yue's mind was the skyless demon. Zhang Wutian ..."

With this in mind, Su Wanqing even covered her cheeks with a few hands in her hands, and there were many emotions in her heart. Such a hero of the world, let alone Shen Yueyue.

Even if you change to Su Wanqing, such a strong self-cultivation that has a vision so high that women in the world can't understand, it can't help but be trembling.

Wu Tianzun Zun. When Zhang Wutian does not appear, he will use it. As soon as he comes out, ask the Huaxia Xiuzhen world not to mention the younger generation. How many people can compete with one even if they are the older generation? !!

However, one thing that Su Wanqing didn't know until now was Shen Shenyue who didn't know Zhang Xiaofan's status and identity in the field of Chinese cultivation.

Shen Yiyue's favorite is always the one in Luzhou University who likes to play basketball, Jeet Kune Do and also plan in the mall, which is better than Zhang Xiaofan who is thousands of miles away.

It's not that Su Wanqing has a simple fantasy in her heart, and the reason she likes Zhang Xiaofan deeply is that he is the famous Heavenly Devil. Zhang Wutian.

"Isn't your name called Zhang Xiaofan? Why, you will have the title of Heavenly Demon. Zhang Wutian ... in the practice world ..."

In this way, after walking for a while, Zhang Xiaofan never looked at Su Wanqing from the beginning to the end, but the pace at his feet became faster and faster.

At this point, Su Wanqing still couldn't hold back anymore, she finally asked her biggest doubts.

"Oh? Does this matter to you!"

Hearing that, Zhang Xiaofan just glanced at Su Wanqing, his face was full of indifference.

Seeing this, Su Wanqing couldn't help but be a little stunned, and in the process of her sacrifice, Zhang Xiaofan didn't know when it was gradually drifting away.

Su Wanqing stomped her feet angrily. How did she say that Su Wanqing was in Peiping University, which is also one of the third school flowers in the school's flower list? !!

This is just less than one and a half months after the start of school. The group of crazy bees and butterflies who are pursuing Su Wanqing does not have 100,00 people, so there must be at least 8,000 people, right? !!

On the other hand, Zhang Xiaofan and himself can be regarded as their peers, but in his eyes, he looks like the school flower of Peiping University, even the weeds on the roadside.

After thinking about it, Su Wanqing's pair of dark almonds dripped around her eyes, and then followed three steps and two steps to catch up.

"I said, Zhang Xiaofan, do you know who I am?"

Su Wanqing quickly rushed to Zhang Xiaofan's side, and followed closely while hurriedly asking, said.

"I don't know, of course, I'm not interested to know!"

"Also, about Shen Yueyue, that's also between me and her. It has nothing to do with you."

"So, from now on, you will bother me less!"

Zhang Xiaofan was still as cold as it was at first. Su Wanqing also frowned and frowned Xiaoyao's nose, and then suddenly smiled and said.

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