The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6571: Nine Demon Halls will eventually rise

"Observe, Lord of the Temple!"

The old man in black robe bowed and retreated, his heart was shocked, and his excitement was hard to calm down!

Nine Demon Halls, after all, they have to rise again and be outside .....


"Xiao Fan, you taste the boiled beef taste very positive!"

In the graduate cafeteria of Peiping University, Zhang Xiaofan and Zhao Yinger sat opposite each other. Zhao Yinger picked up a piece of beef with chopsticks and delivered it to Zhang Xiaofan's mouth.

"it is good!"

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan was not polite, and he ate it with his mouth open. The other male animals in the cafeteria were called jealous. I ca n’t wait to replace Zhang Xiaofan's current position immediately, and I hope that the man who was fed by Zhao Yinger himself was Yourself.

However, this group of guys are angry one by one, but no one dares to come freely.

After all, since the lesson of Song Changhai who couldn't get out of bed was learned first, there are really few people who want to find Zhang Xiaofan in trouble at Peiping University!

However, when everyone in the cafeteria was thinking differently, only Zhang Xiaofan was in Zhao Yinger's beautiful eyes!

She looked at Zhang Xiaofan's gobbling food, and couldn't help hiding her mouth and laughed. What she liked most was that Zhang Xiaofan had no scruples in front of herself and showed her original appearance without any concealment. This was also her most familiar appearance.

At the same time, this will also make Zhao Yinger feel that Zhang Xiaofan was like an ordinary big boy when he was studying at Luzhou University more than two years ago, not Zhang Wutian, who stirred the situation in the world of the world of cultivation, let alone countless The practitioners are all afraid of the heavenly demons!

"Oh yes, Yingbao ....."

When half-eaten, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly raised his hand and gently stroked Zhao Yinger's good-looking face, and asked with a smile.

"Ying Bao, you and I had a previous marriage. I don't know what happened to your parents?"

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's presence in the presence of so many people, saying the shameful title that belonged to the two of them privately, Zhao Yinger's face turned red slightly, but she pretended to be calm, and answered.

"Last night, my mother chased the phone and she ... she let me ..."

"Oh? What does Aunt want you to do ...."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Zhao Yinger's expression that he wanted to say but was hard to say, so he couldn't help but ask with curiosity.

At this point, Zhao Yinger's beautiful eyes were like water, and the meaning of shyness on the cheeky face became stronger.

"She ... she said ..."

In this way, for a long time, Zhao Yinger did not have the following words, she was a little shy and nervous.

"I said, was it so difficult for the aunt to tell you something?"

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan could not help but shake his head and laughed a bit, and suddenly reached his hand directly to the itching place on Zhao Yinger's waist, and gently scratched.

"Yeah ....."

"Giggle, giggle ......"

"Xiao Fan, don't make a mess ..."

When the itchy meat was attacked, Zhao Yinger couldn't help laughing.

In this way, after the two laughed a bit, Zhang Xiaofan just chose to let Zhao Yinger go, his mouth raised, and a bad smile was drawn, said.

"Do you want to say it?"

"If you don't say it, I will continue to serve the family ..."

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