The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6574: Wang Yuanping is missing

"Ying Bao, obediently, I need to go to the veteran general's house now. It seems that their royal family has encountered some trouble. I'll take care of it!"

Zhang Xiaofan briefly explained the situation of the current Wang family to Zhao Yinger.

"Well, then you go quickly. During your absence, I will stay at school honestly, and you can rest assured."

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Zhao Yinger nodded subtly and was very considerate of Zhang Xiaofan.


At the same time, among the imperial capitals.

I saw that Wang Yuantao, Wang Yuanlin, and their father Wang Guoqiang were sitting in the lobby one after another, all of them thick eyebrows just twisted into a frown, a look of frown.

Compared to the three of them, Wang Zhenyuan was sitting tall in the first place, and his face was somewhat indifferent.

"What exactly happened ?!"

Just in the hall, there was a dead silence. When no one spoke, Zhang Ai's Buddhist altar appeared outside the hall at this moment. After seeing the expressions of the royal family and other faces, he opened the door directly to the mountain.

"Mr. Zhang ?!"

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan's appearance, a group of people headed by Wang Zhenyuan showed a touch of joy.

And Zhang Xiaofan, he looked around the audience and found that all the core children in the Wang family were among them. Only Wang Yuanping's elder brother Wang Yuanping was missing!

"Almost a week ago, Brother Yuan Ping went abroad to relax, and he could have been contacted on the phone the morning before yesterday, but suddenly he couldn't be contacted the afternoon before."

"Even when we chase Yuanping after that, the other end of the phone keeps reminding me that he is no longer in the service area ..."

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan asking about this, Wang Yuantao also sorted out the wording in his heart, and quickly gave a general description of the story.

"Oh? Go abroad and relax!"

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes were also slightly frozen, and then he continued to question, Tao said.

"Wang Yuanping, where did he go?"

In this regard, Wang Guoqiang showed his solemn appearance, saying word by word, "Wang Yuanping, he went to Siam!"


After hearing Wang Guoqiang's words, Zhang Xiaofan felt very puzzled and puzzled.

"Things shouldn't be as simple as they seem, and Wang Yuanping has so far only lost contact."

"On the basis of his current strength and vitality, and the true Yuan Xiu who condenses his spirits, I don't think everyone in this room needs to worry so much, right?"

Hearing that Wang Guoqiang took the mobile phone out of his pocket, and just double-clicked on the screen, he saw a Siamese map on the mobile phone screen soon.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the Big Dipper positioning system on Wang Yuanping's mobile phone. My mobile phone and Wang Yuanping's mobile phone are shared, and they can probe each other's specific location."

"From 11:35 last night, Wang Yuanping's position has stayed in place and there has been no sign of a second move!"

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan nodded slowly.

If according to Wang Guoqiang, Wang Yuanping's mobile phone has already undergone a series of changes and will no longer be on his body ...

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