The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6598: The body can be so powerful

Looking at this hero hero in all walks of the world, no one can rely on physical strength alone to resist the five elders of the holy fist gate!

So far, no one has been able to do this-! !! !!

"Wow ..."

However, just when the crowd was in full swing and seemed to have seen Zhang Xiaofan's miserable picture in the hands of the five elders of Shengquan Gate because of his arrogance and arrogance.

The next moment, a terrifying scene happened in front of everyone in their presence.

I saw, on the old face of the holy fist door that was stunned with Zhang Xiaofan's shoulders, his old face was filled with fear and fear!

At this moment, the elder's right fist can be described as bloody, the entire arm is playing in an extremely exaggerated, weird arc, and it is obvious that his entire right arm has been given at this moment. Completely scrapped!

The face of the elder of the holy fist door was deeply unwilling to be incredible.

He was just at the moment when Zhang Xiaofan's shoulders were in front of each other. The elder could feel it very clearly, and his right fist seemed to be shaken on a towering, erect, magnificent mountain!

That horrible, powerful, and overbearing force is directly in a face-to-face effort, and all the bones above and below the right arm have been completely shattered!

Even the elders' internal organs, even under the aftershocks, received minor internal injuries.

"Punch ... Punch ... Punch ..."

In addition, the four elders who hit Zhang Xiaofan's holy fist gates, their respective footsteps are also sloppy, and their body shape is also uncontrollably backwards and backwards. It is increasing.


"How is this possible? !!!"

Although they were not like the elders of the holy fist door who were in direct contact with Zhang Xiaofan, the injuries were so serious, but the moment the fist struck Zhang Xiaofan's body, the force of the backlash was giving them The trembling blood swelled for a long time.

"This man ..."

"How could this man's physical strength be so high?"

"This ... this is not scientific!"

In face-to-face kung fu, the five elders of the holy fist gate all backed up one after another. The elders were even more stupid and slumped to the ground.

As for the guardians of the other six holy fist gates who watched the battle quietly, the expression on their faces was completely stiff, and the whole person was like a dumb chicken, like now, it is still the same as before Returned in shock.

The secret method of ancient Thai boxing, not only refining gas, but also refining the body!

Because of this, all disciples above and below the holy fist gate, every bone and every joint in their body, are indestructible by this method of training.

And the five elders of the holy fist gate have experienced thousands of hammers and exercises of physical exercises, can crush the steel empty-handed, and destroy the city wall with one punch.

But looking back at Zhang Xiaofan, he was hit unscathed by the five elders of the holy fist at the same time.

On the other hand, the five elders of their holy fist gate are obviously in an absolute disadvantage, which is to make everyone present to everything happening in front of them ...

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