The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6603: What is the list?

"On the top 100 international rankings, you Zhang Wutian swept the sixth day of forgetting the river, the sixth day the demon king and Elson Smith, and reached the top with a weak crown. Completed the amazing achievements of no one before and no later! "

"Is this why you have nothing to fear, come to my holy fist gate to scatter the capital? !!!"

When speaking these words, the silver-haired old man, Sen Muhan, has muscles that look like dragons, muscles knotted, and looks so domineering and powerful against the bonfire and fire.

"Being able to watch the people under your control being killed by me, wounded, and wounded, you can still sink into such a temperament, not showing up, really, your lord belongs to 'Wang Ba' ... . "

Said, Zhang Xiaofan laughed abusively, said.

"From the moment I arrived at your holy fist gate, I have clearly recognized your existence."

"So I'm also curious inside."

"That is, compared to the top 10 strong men in the international rankings, you are obviously not only looking at the truth from the cultivation of the true Yuan, but also from the perspective of your martial arts. It's better than all of them. "

"But the question is coming. I have never heard of your name on the list of 100 international scholars?"

Although the silver-haired old man is not full of Reebok swords all over his body like on the sixth day of Wang Chuan, like a sharp blade that pierces the night sky, he does not point to the 'electric thunder god' Elson. Smith, all over him was filled with the power of violent thunder, and his momentum was overwhelming.

However, the body of the silver-haired old man still brings a deep sense of depth like a sea, which is like an active volcano, as if the lava erupted in the next second.

It is true that the silver-haired old man has already made all this come true, but still cannot escape Zhang Xiaofan's keen sense of five senses.

The silver-haired old man in front of him is undoubtedly the most powerful one among the enemies he encountered during such a long period of time.

Even when it was Zhang Xiaofan who faced head-on, and once the 'Red Lotus Queen' Elina, who once ranked second in the international rankings, it was not as good as it is now when facing this silver-haired old man. Oppression.

If we only want to talk about Zhenyuan Xiuwei, then the 'Red Queen' Elina's Zhenyuan Xiuwei is already in the state of great magical powers.

The old man in front of him is even stronger than Elina, who has a great magical power, and has entered a new realm directly!

There is no doubt that if it is only about combat effectiveness, Elina and the lord of the holy fist gate in front of them are completely different, they are not in a realm at all.

"Ha ha...."

"A small place on the list of 100 international scholars is nothing but a ridiculous plaything on the bright surface for worshiping those buffoons.

"How could a real strong man care about this dispensable name?"

When the silver-haired old man said these words, his voice was awe-inspiring, and he was deeply disdainful in his words.


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