In other words, in the face of Sebayu, the Siamese 'King of Fighters', how much Zhang Xiaofan can further understand how strong the cultivation of the cultivating infants is, and where is his own limit.

When Zhang Xiaofan was thinking secretly, Sebayu naturally took the color of doubt in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes into his eyes, and his old face was also full of pride and arrogance.

"From your look, Zhang Wutian doesn't seem to know what half-step baby is, right ?!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan didn't say anything to refute, but the color of doubt on the face was already converged by him, coldly, said.

"It seems that you are very satisfied with your current strength in this half-step baby world, and very confident ?!"

Hearing that, Sebayu first stunned, then laughed and said on his back.

"Hahahaha ....."

"Zhang Wutian, Zhang Wutian, this vast world is so vast, how can you, a freakish hairy boy, imagine?"

"In your eyes, the supernatural realm. The great realm is already the culmination of this practice?"


"It's a big mistake, it's the best thing to do!"

In a word, Sebayu is a one-finger sky, an arrogant gesture of all things.

"The magical realm. The Great Realm can indeed be called the absolute strongman in this world!"

"However, in this world, the Xeon who truly stands at the top of the pyramid is divided by the supernatural powers. The Great Perfectionist is the watershed!"

"In the realm of cultivation, there has always been a saying like this," Supernatural Powers. Under the great consummation, all are ants, haven't you heard of it? "

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan narrowed his eyes, sighed softly, said.

"Supernatural powers. Under the great consummation, are all ants?"

"Hehehe ..."

"It's interesting, it's really interesting, it's really arrogant!"

In response to this, only Sebayu continued to speak again.

"Zhang Wutian, you can use your own strength and one enemy and three to slay the three top 10 magical powers in the top 100 international rankings. You can even kill such magical powers as Elson Smith. Successful practitioners will not be spared! "

"There is no doubt that Zhang Wutian is relying on your current strength alone. From the point of view of the realm, he is already above this world, almost all supernatural powers!"

"In your eyes, how are thousands of people nearby who are different from the ants that are gnawing on the ground?"

Sabayu said that he raised his finger and included everyone except him and Zhang Xiaofan. Of course, this also includes all the disciples under the gate of his holy fist, and the five elders. .

Seeing this, Wang Yuanping, Mu Bingyun, Chen Feixue, and a group of four of them all became extremely difficult to look.

But not only the four of them, but also the rest of the crowd on the field, all of them were also full of astonishment, their mouths opened and closed, but for a long time they couldn't even say a complete word.

I never thought that in the eyes of strong men at the level of Zhang Xiaofan and Sebayu, they were indeed all ants.

Even if the eyes of the strong fall on them, it will be full of overlooking and deep disdain ...

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