The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6624: Solicitation of two major forces

Looking at the gorgeous lineup in front of him, Zhang Xiaofan's eyebrows twisted slightly, slowly speaking, said.

"Zhang Wutian, we were also invited by Sirena, the 'Goddess of Red Lotus', to make a special trip."

"This time, the reason why our group of people went to Siam was not to face you against Zhang Wutian, but just hope that you can join our Chiyou Hall and accept the inheritance ceremony from the power of Chiyou."

"If you nodded and agreed, let's say everything and talk."

Speaking, Fan Shengtian's face showed a kind of kind smile. On the sixth day of Zhang Xiaofan's killing of the top ten in the International Top 100, he forgot about Sichuan, the sixth day of the Demon King and Elson Smith. Has completely abandoned plans to give Zhang Xiaofan income Chi Youtang.

After all, although fighting for the next farmhouse. The position of Xia Kui is not important to Fan Shengtian.

But if it ’s just to fight with the other five main entrances of the future farmhouse, so as to hurt the lives of all the people above and below Chiyoutang, the cost is too great. Fan Shengtian ca n’t really gamble. .

But after that, Elina took the world arbitration council with more than 20 magical powers. After the great consummate Xeon came to visit in person, this also made Fan Shengtian's idea that it had been completely eliminated again.

From Fan Shengtian's point of view, even if Zhang Xiaofan really has three days of malpractice, it is impossible to face such a powerful and terrible squad with his own power.

I saw, ‘Goddess of Red Lotus’, Alina's face became thicker, and she giggled and covered her mouth, and said.

"The Lord of the Lord, we in the World Arbitration Council have the same position."

"As long as Lord Mozun is willing to join our world arbitration council, that little woman can assure Lord Mozun that the seat of the council arbitrator must have your place!"

Speaking of this, I saw the expression on Elina's face as if she were acting like a joke, the smile on her face suddenly converged, and said coldly.

"But if you are still reluctant to join our world arbitration council, Lord Mozun, then we can only become enemies."

"Although, the little girl has nothing to do with it, and is unwilling to do anything that will embarrass you, Lord Mozun."

"But this time, after all, it was not the last time. Only the little girl went alone, and there were so many friends present. The little girl was quiet and not very good at talking."

"In short, the little girl still hopes that you can think twice before you master Lord, and don't give the answer recklessly ..."

In the middle of the air, many people's faces had a strong sense of ill-treatment, and countless gazes also gathered on Zhang Xiaofan.

At this point, Sebayu was even more fragile in his heart. He thought that Chiyoutang and the World Arbitration Council would travel hurriedly to Siam in order to start a battle with Zhang Xiaofan.

However, for the time being, they don't seem to want to directly tear up their faces with Zhang Xiaofan. Instead, they lobby in every possible way, throwing out olive branches, hoping that Zhang Xiaofan can join their organization.

If so, Zhang Xiaofan really chose to take this olive branch .....

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