The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6634: You have no chance

This is the best shortcut for Zhang Xiaofan's strength to make rapid progress overnight!

"call out--!!!"

However, just as everyone in the audience was in doubt, Zhang Xiaofan's figure flickered, but he disappeared without a trace at this moment.

But nowadays, the powerful men of the world arbitration parliament are all at risk, and their faces are full of panic and fear, and they no longer have the spare money that they can swear by.

There is no doubt that at this moment in their eyes, Zhang Xiaofan seems to be synonymous with 'evil ghosts', and they are little lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

No matter where Zhang Xiaofan appeared, they all scrambled to escape, for fear that they would become the next Zhang Xiaofan's fist.


"Stop him!"

Until this moment, Fan Shengtian was no longer able to win the ticket like before, he quickly whispered to the side of Sebayu, and the two flew out. Ye Yanqing was naturally unwilling to see him. After that, he also followed the flight.

These three and a half steps. The Xeon who transformed the infant realm, they all applied their own speed to a mechanism, and the group of men who wanted to help them completely intercept the evil devil Zhang Xiaofan.

If we let Zhang Xiaofan kill the ring again, they will bring a lot of divine powers this time. I believe that no one can survive!

"Ha ha...."

"Are these old immortals finally uncontrollable?"

There was a sneer in the air, and Fan Shengtian, Ye Yanqing, and Sebayu, who had just left the place and were ready to go for reinforcements, were all in the same heart. ’With a whisper, an unpredictable hunch came out of my heart.

I saw that Lengyue and other four Chiyoutang protectors were still in the previous shock. When Zhang Xiaofan had not come back for a long time, the figure of Zhang Xiaofan had already come flying like a black ghost and appeared directly in their party In front of people.

"how is this possible?!!"

After being aware of this sudden change, Lengyue was the first to bear the brunt, and the expression on Qiao's face suddenly solidified.

At this time, a slender palm slowly protruded out of the void in front of him, and then pressed heavily on the cold moon's heavenly cover.

"Last time, I didn't kill you because of God's good virtues."

"But in all things, again and again and again and again, this time you have no chance to survive!"

Suddenly, the fear of death engulfed Lengyue's entire limbs and bones like a tide, and when Lengyue was in a state of unprecedented despair, she couldn't break free, and even her last cry for help in her life Failed to shout.

I saw Zhang Xiaofan's palm pressed against the cover of Leng Yuetian Ling suddenly began to shrink, only to hear a series of bone cracking sounds like uncooked beans.

The next moment, Lengyue's entire head was rapidly deformed at a speed that was already visible to the naked eye. A beautiful and charming face was also at this moment. The features were tightly twisted into a ball, and the whole person was already dead. .

And everything is just as Zhang Xiaofan said, Lengyue has no chance of surviving .....

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