The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6650: Tao belonging to Zhang Xiaofan

Because of this, Zhang Xiaofan can be taught a little bit by hand, and if they carry it, it will only be a five-character dynasty for them. The prawns and rivers of Ning Shenjing will certainly make rapid progress in their own true Yuan repair.

Needless to say, as Zhang Xiaofan can now do, he can dominate the Chinese cultivation world, and he can also sweep the world in the world of cultivation, sweeping the supremacy of the world.

But at least, can they be the best among their peers in the world of Huaxia and even in the international cultivation community?

How could Zhang Xiaofan not know that little ninety-nine in Wang Yuanping's heart?

I saw that he shook his head with a smile and said: "I said Wang Yuanping. From my personal standpoint, I also want to teach you my skills and practice, so that you can also get insight and improvement from it."

"But it is very regrettable that, in addition to my Zhang Wutian, there is no possibility that a second person can practice in this world!"

Thinking of myself when I was at Luzhou University, I was just a rural boy who came out of the happy village of Jizhou.

After being dumped by his ex-girlfriend Zhao Jiayue, there was a mix of yin and yang, and somehow they were mixed into a heavenly chat group composed of all the gods on the heavenly court.

As a result, Zhang Xiaofan gained a lot of opportunities and fortunes in this heavenly chat group that are unthinkable by ordinary people, and finally won this achievement and status today!

And, even if you take a step back 10,000 steps, aside from the golden finger of the Tianting chat group, which is called 'BUG'.

After gaining many opportunities and adventures from the heavenly court of God, he himself went far and wide over the next two years, traveling across mountains and mountains, wondering how many times he walked on the blade of death, constantly Struggling and wandering.

The various natural disasters faced ** are more common than ordinary food.

In the end, it was a person who carried a Papier, barefoot from Jiangnan Hangcheng, and went to Uszang alone, successfully climbing the highest peak in the world, Everest, where he passed thunder and completed the foundation.

It is also in these two years of one-day experience that this allowed Zhang Xiaofan to have a deeper understanding of the Tiandi Avenue, so that he can practice as a whole and improve his skills to the end!

Therefore, these two methods that really make Zhang Xiaofan's way to the strong are good in the heavenly chat group, or in the process of fighting with heaven, with earth, and with humans in the past two years. People can embezzle, and no one can imitate it!

Just because this is his own way of Zhang Xiaofan!

After hearing this, Wang Yuanping felt a sense of loss in his heart for a while, but he had no doubts about what Zhang Xiaofan just said.

If everyone in the world can be easily practiced successfully, what qualifications can it be called 'worldly' and what qualifications can be called 'magic'? !! !!

What a capable person can't do is to be good!


The next day, Zhang Xiaofan and his team of five people, on the second day, when the sky was bright, they had already taken a flight back to Huaxia.

As for Zhang Xiaofan's one-man shot in the Siam holy fist gate!

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