The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6658: Already a lady

"Last time, I was purely entrusted to help the darts at the Longmen Dart."

"And this time, it was purely for my brother Wang Yuanping. As for you, I was just thinking about God's good life, and I don't want to see death ..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaofan's tone was a little, and then the words turned around, and then, Tao said.

"In addition, I have to point out that it is now Xinhuaxia, and it is not a feudal dynasty in the past."

"As for what kind of **** things like slaves and slaves, if you really want to do it, go find someone else to do this. In short, don't come to me, Zhang Xiaofan, I have no interest, and no time! "

After Zhang Xiaofan said these words, he shook his hand at Wang Yuanping.

"Wang Yuanping, I still have something to do here. I'll take a step first, and I won't continue to accompany you. Goodbye!"

At this time, Mu Bingyun and Chen Feixue, two women who followed Zhang Xiaofan, were all with beautiful eyes and red lips.

You know, their two daughters are both peerless beauty.

Right now, these two peerless ladies have offered their own pillows and brought them to the door.


Even Chen Feixue and Mu Bingyun's daughters have spoken out as humiliating words as "slaves and slaves", but Zhang Xiaofan can still turn a deaf ear to it and turn a blind eye, and there is even a hint of lift-up between the brows.

I have to say that this makes the two women Chen Feixue and Mu Bingyun always very confident in their looks and figures. At this moment, they have also been hit by an unprecedented huge blow. It is really difficult to understand this kind of thing!

Under the gaze of Chen Feixue and Mu Bingyun, Zhang Xiaofan directly crossed the zebra crossing in front of the airport, and suddenly waved a beautiful shadow across the road.

After realizing this, both Chen Feixue and Mu Bingyun brushed their gazes together, and they couldn't help it.

I saw a girl who was plainly dressed, but revealed an indescribable sense of imperishableness in her ordinary life.

At this moment, she was standing on the opposite side of the road, waving her hand to Zhang Xiaofan, and a sweet smile appeared on the beautiful face.

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward, three steps and two steps already came to the girl, arms stretched out, directly embraced the young girl's delicate boneless body into her arms, her face also showed a touch of tenderness, pet Drowned happy smile comes.

This point also made Chen Feixue and Mu Bingyun's pretty faces look stiff.

Jealousy, frustration, and the deep unwillingness!

So many complicated emotions came to their hearts, and they once naively thought that Zhang Xiaofan had always been not very interested in the love of men and women.

I just put all my spirit and all my attention on the road to cultivation, so I have no desire to be trapped by these earthly and earthly children.

But nowadays, Chen Feixue and Mu Bingyun only realized afterwards that they were wrong, and they were all very wrong. The mistake was very outrageous, ridiculous!

Zhang Xiaofan is not close to women, and does not need the company of beautiful women, he just because there is already a peerless beauty who smiles in the city with a smile .....

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