The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6679: Liu Rentian Eye

"It seems that I can no longer be a salted fish like before, it is time to reorganize and work hard to earn merit ..."

Zhang Xiaofan silently admonished himself, and at the same time, he began to think secretly about where to start.

"Well, I would like to thank Ge Tianshi for reminding me that I will collect all the 100,000 merit points required before the evaluation of the Shenxiao Tianting Merit List."

After a brief reply, Zhang Xiaofan was about to find a reason to directly end this chat with Ge Hong.

But who would have thought, Ge Hong had a slight meal, and then continued again, said.

"Xian You, I learned from Qi Tian Da Sheng earlier that you practiced Da Sheng's" Golden Eye of Fire ", right? ..."

When I saw Ge Hong suddenly mentioning himself a long time ago, Zhang Xiaofan also had some questions about the related issues of "Eye of Fire and Golden Eyes" learned from Qi Tianda Sheng Sunwu Kong. What kind of medicine was sold in this Ge Hong gourd?

It's just a matter of staying at first, and see what he can say later.

"Xianyou, as we all know, eyes are the door to the three souls and seven souls, and they have the ability to communicate with the world."

"Everyone who has a heavenly eye is a generation with great fortunes and great opportunities. If they can enter the Qiuxian Avenue afterwards, the future is infinite."

"For example, the Erlang God Yang Yang of the Guankou Dojo is based on the magical power of the heavenly eyes, and he has been trained to have a combat power far better than the gods of the same level."

"Of course, this also includes Qitian Dasheng, who has golden eyes and golden eyes. Sun Wukong is also."

"But everything has cause and effect, and this day's eyes are no exception ..."

When Zhang Xiaofan was secretly wondering what medicine was being sold in Ge Hong's stomach, he only heard Ge Hong's voice again and said.

"If you have sky-eyes, if you can't find a suitable way to seek immortality, then the future will be dragged down by a pair of sky-eyes."

"In the end, I ended up exhausting myself, and died halfway ..."

"Ge Tianshi, what should I do?"

After hearing Ge Hong's mention of the word "premature death", Zhang Xiaofan's heart was unavoidable. ’With a sound, an ominous premonition emerged.

You know, at the time, his golden eyes were learned from Sun Wukong, and he didn't want to ‘die first before he succeeded’ like Ge Hong said!

"Nothing ... no more ..."

Seeing this, I am Mengxin (Zhang Xiaofan) so on the road, Ge Hong is also satisfied to support the beard, and then continued again, Tao,

"As the saying goes, cannibalism is short, and manpower is short."

"Now, naturally, this heavenly master can't take your crab yak for nothing, so I will give you a starter."

"Xianyou, as long as you learn this door first, you have no worries."

As soon as the word fell, Ge Hong directly sent a red envelope.

Zhang Xiaofan directly click to collect.

Congratulations, you successfully grabbed Ge Hong's red envelope and got a volume of "Six Ren Tianyan", which is now stored in Jumbo Pavilion and can be retrieved and used at any time.

The familiar prompt message pops up directly from the phone screen.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan also thanked him and said, "Thank you Tianshi Ge for your generosity!"

"Hahahaha ....."

Seeing this, Ge Hong also laughed, said.

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