The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6684: Sun Dasheng's experience

"I'm going, is there such a line of noodles? !!!"

After hearing Sun Wukong's words, Rao was unable to avoid Zhang Xiaofan's determination and took a sigh of air-conditioning. He was also looking forward to the magic of the somersault cloud.

"Catch, Xianyou!"

I saw that just as Sun Wukong's voice had fallen, a big red envelope appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

Zhang Xiaofan raised his hand without hesitation.

‘Congratulations, you have successfully grabbed the ordinary red envelope of Qi Tian Da Sheng. Sun Wukong and got a copy of“ Combat Cloud Magical Secrets ”, which is now stored in Jumbo Pavilion and can be retrieved at any time! ’

"Thank you Sun Dasheng!"

Zhang Xiaofan thanked Sun Wukong in a beautiful manner, saying.

"Hey ....."

"It's nothing wrong!"

Sun Wukong immediately resumed, Tao.

"Lao Sun now only hopes that Xianyou can go to Huaguoshan as soon as possible. Shuilian Cave will let Lao Sun to set a banquet for wine and stay with Dr. Xianyou ..."

In this way, after Zhang Xiaofan simply chatted with Sun Wu idle, he just made an excuse to say goodbye to Sun Wukong and left the Tianting chat group directly.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xiaofan opened the Treasure Pavilion and took a look at it, but he saw that it was full of all kinds, filled with all kinds of strange treasures.

Of course, there are some treasures collected by Zhang Xiaofan from the real world in the treasure hall for storage, and many of them are red packets from the big Luo Jinxian in the Tianting chat group.

Among them, the ones placed in the first grid and the second one are "Amusement Clouds" and "Eye of the Six Rens", respectively.

After a brief look, Zhang Xiaofan quickly focused his attention on Somersault Cloud.

The reason is that this magical secret book is different from Zhang Xiaofan's original thinking at first. This is not a simple cheat book, but a small cloud.

"I'm going, this somersault cloud is really a veritable name, it's really a cloud!"

After Zhang Xiaofan shook his head and laughed, his finger was a little bit, and he went directly to the detailed introduction page of this somersault cloud.

"咻 .... 咻 .... 咻 ...."

I saw that the golden somersault cloud was flowing around on the screen of the mobile phone. It was very lively.

There is also a small line of introduction below: "The Heavenly Heavenly Saint. Sun Wukong personally taught the technique of somersault clouds. After using it, the host can understand the practice of somersault clouds by himself."

"Among them, Sun Wukong's cultivation experience is hidden, which can increase the practice efficiency by a factor of 100!"

"I'm going, aren't I? A hundred times the practice efficiency, is it so powerful ?!"

After seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

I never thought that this Sun Dasheng not only taught him the secret technique of somersault clouds, but also sent all his own experiences and feelings together. This is simply teaching him Zhang Xiaofan to learn somersault clouds!

With this kind of somersault cloud after surgery, you can fully improve your practice efficiency 100 times. What kind of concept is this?

If they were to be replaced by ordinary people, it would take them hundreds of years to practice the somersault cloud technique.

And he Zhang Xiaofan, with Sun Dasheng's experience and insight, he has a hundred times the speed of cultivation. It only takes one year to easily get it ...

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