The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6688: Climbing Wulei Mountain


After receiving this news, the young man waved his sleeves suddenly, his voice came out loud, and from the center of the main hall, he began to circulate in all directions.

"Elders of the Nine Demon Halls, guarding the law and obeying orders, within seven days, gather all the soldiers and horses, and follow me to slay Wulei Mountain-!!!"


Suddenly, the up and down of the Nine Demon Hall were completely filled with the majestic, thick voice of the young man in the golden python costume.

Below the hall, hundreds of elders and guardians of the Nine Demon Hall, all of them raised their heads in ecstasy, and one after another roared into a river, and Pentium was endless among these hundred miles of mountains.

The Nine Demon Hall, which has never existed in the world, has been dormant for hundreds of years, and finally decided to show his sharp fangs to the world.

Wulei Mountain, this is the hidden site of Wuleizong.

Here, it has been passed down for more than 500 years. The ancestors of the Five Thunder Sects, the ancestors, have already hidden the transformation here very much, retreating from the world and entering the world, entering and retreating freely, it is easy to defend the sky. .

But at this moment, a figure was obviously with strong blood on his body, and his right hand was cut in half by a long bloodstain.

But even so, the young man still clenched his teeth, flew fast, moved up and down, regardless of his injuries, and the blood that was still flowing, quickly rushing towards the gate where Wuleizong was located. go with.

"Wow ..."

Before rushing to the mountain facade where there was no tears, the young man could no longer hold back the deteriorating injuries in his body, and fell on the blue stone steps of the mountain gate.

I saw that the young man's lips were purple, and from his arms he pulled out a signal bullet connected to the ancestral gate, lit it directly, and launched it into the sky, blowing a gorgeous spark.

"call out--!!!"

At the moment when the fireworks exploded, a black afterimage was blasted out from the Five Thunder Sects, and at a glance he noticed the seriously injured and unconscious person.


This person is wearing a dark red Tang suit, not someone else. It was Tian Hongwu who was in the Shencheng. Shangguan family and Zhang Xiaofan who had a lot of relationships with him!

In front of him, the young man who fell to the ground and was dying was not someone else. It was the eyeliner previously arranged by Tian Hongwu around Wuleizong to monitor every move of the Nine Demon Hall.

Nowadays, Tian Hongwu's eyeliner inserted around the Nine Demon Hall was seriously injured and returned. Obviously, there must be something extraordinary happening!


"What the **** is this all about ?!"

During the conversation, Tian Hongwu was not slow in his hands. He directly found a jade bottle from his arms, took an elixir from it, fed it to the eyeliner, and opened the door to see the mountain.


"Nine demon halls, they have assembled all the disciples from the elders to the elders, to protect the law, and to the gates of the lower gates, but at most the same time, they will force the army into the Five Thunder Mountains!"

The eyeliner was struggling with its last strength, and after speaking this complete sentence, it was a crooked head, and the whole person passed out again.

"Nine Demon Hall?"

"Abominable, the Nine Demon Palace is here ..."

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