The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6691: Wuleizong for help

"After you go to Peiping University, go to the male dormitory building as soon as possible to find a young man named Zhang Xiaofan."

"At that time, you don't need to say anything more, just tell him that Wu Leizong will most likely face the annihilation in the next week, and I hope he must rush to Wu Leizong to save us and water and fire."

"Liu Xintong, remember, if you see Zhang Xiaofan, you must respect him as much as you treat the elder Wan Leige, and you must not offend him. If not, you will be dealt with in accordance with the rules and re-issued!

At the moment, Tian Hongwu did not directly open the door and told Liu Xintong that Zhang Xiaofan was the Skyless Demon. Zhang Wutian's true identity was informed to him.

The reason for Tian Hongwu to do this is that he still does not want Zhang Xiaofan to be disturbed by a descendant of the cultivation world like Liu Xintong.

"Observe, Xin Tong is leaving for Peiping University now!"

Seeing that Tian Hongwu didn't want to say anything about Zhang Xiaofan's identity, although Liu Xintong was curious inside, she also didn't dare to ask more.

After that, Liu Xintong simply packed up his salute and went on the road, and the starry and partly journey headed towards the imperial capital Peiping.


Honglian Mountain——

In the Red Lotus Sect, a man and a woman were all dressed in the costumes of the Five Thunder Sects and stood in the main hall of the Red Lotus Sect.

This man and a woman are not others. They are Wu Leizong's most outstanding talented disciples, Zheng Kuolin and Liu Xinfeng!

On the top of this hall, a beautiful woman who recruits a friend is dignified and beautiful, mature and full of charm, and there is a shallow smile on her face. A beautiful woman is still standing on the side of the beautiful woman. Woman in light red dress.

Below it, there are six beautiful women with colorful poses sitting on both sides, with lowered eyebrows.

After seeing the surrounding atmosphere, Zheng Kuolin couldn't help feeling in his heart.

"It is indeed the Red Lotus Sect. All women are disciples."

"Even the lords, elders, and guardians in the Red Lotus Sect are all female streamers ..."

In this regard, Liu Xinfeng's pretty face is also with a touch of sincere respect.

I saw that she stepped forward and stood facing the crowd above the main hall, arching her arms and fists, said.

"Sect Lord Bai, six elders, according to the reliable information we have received so far, it has been determined that there will be a series of big moves over the Nine Demon Palace."

"Our Five Lei Zong is the first station of the next attack of the Nine Demon Halls. Therefore, the Five Lei Zong can't stand alone. The eight elders of Wan Lei Pavilion hope to get the help of Hong Lian Zong from the side. Let us join hands regardless of each other Together against the Nine Demon Halls! "

Hearing this, the patriarch of the Red Lotus, Bai Susu's eyes were also slightly squinted, and a dignified color appeared on the pretty face.

"Sure enough, the people in the Nine Demon Halls have already stretched their devil's claws to Wuleizong ..."

Speaking, Bai Susu groaned inwardly for a long while before she changed her body and said.

"The six elders of the Red Lotus Sect listened to the order and left their disciples responsible for guarding the mountain gate, and the rest of the Inner Danjing. His Holiness members went to Wu Leizong with me to help them!"

"In this battle, my Red Lotus ancestors will be as one and one as one, and they will be together !!!!"

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