The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6704: Big waves hit

"Sister, don't provoke him at will. Elder Tian has explained it before and he must treat him respectfully, just like seeing the lord ..."


After hearing what his sister said, Liu Xinfeng felt greatly surprised and exchanged glances with Zheng Kuolin, all seeing doubt and incomprehension from each other's face.

Just like this ordinary young man who looks ordinary, in addition to his extraordinary temperament and super high value, the others don't seem to be too noticeable.

However, this is the way of looking at the ordinary college students, and he relies on what makes the eight elders Tian Hongwu of Wuleizong take it so seriously and asks Liu Xintong to go down to the mountains to find his trace.

Even, did Elder Tian say something inexplicable about seeing him like he saw the suzerain?

"Can it be done, what's the relationship between Elder Tian and this boy ?!"

Just when Liu Xinfeng and Zheng Kuolin were secretly speculating in their hearts, it was difficult for a while to guess what Zhang Xiaofan's identity was.

However, the people in front of them were noble guests whom Tian Hongwu personally ordered to be cautiously entertained. They did not dare to speak arbitrarily, which made the atmosphere above Xiaozhou quiet for a while.

Zhang Xiaofan closed his eyes and raised his head, but suddenly a sound came to his ears at this moment.

But looking at the other three people above the boat, they didn't make any response at this time, not even the sound was captured.

"Ha ha...."

"A few little crickets who came to die again ..."

Although Zhang Xiaofan was sneer at heart, his face was still as indifferent as before, and his right hand was quietly pressed on the deck.

The invisible and colorless qi penetrated the boat directly into the water, centered on the boat, and began to spread rapidly in all directions, but it did not affect the hull.

I saw that Zhen Qi directly pushed the water flow and began to spread towards the surroundings.

At first it was only five or six inches high, but after that, after not spreading a distance of ten or ten feet forward, it was pulled up one foot out of thin air, and the hundreds of openings reached had already formed dozens of feet. A giant wave of feet.

The three men on the boat originally sat facing each other, but after only a moment, they all stared at each other with round eyes, and their faces were full of surprise.

"Look at that, then ... what is that ?!"

At this moment, Liu Xinfeng couldn't keep calm. She suddenly stood up from the boat and raised her hand to point far away from Baizhang. The huge wave of ten feet was directly surrounded by a circle, and it continued to spread around and pull up. Looking far away, how spectacular is it? !!

Coincidentally, not only Liu Xinfeng, but even Liu Xintong and Zheng Kuolin were shocked.

You know, it's just a lake here, not on the ocean.

It is difficult to simply know what kind of wind and waves will come from this lake, and how such a mighty storm may occur. Moreover, this huge wave is not just a simple one, but a nearby, complete and complete circle. Crazy from all directions.

It also.....

This is too incredible ...

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