The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6707: Control the situation

Right now, Liu Xintong has taken Zhang Xiaofan to the gate of Wuleizong, and she did not fail the important task that Tian Hongwu had given her.

However, if you want to climb from the bottom of the mountain gate to the top, there are as many as 2,000 steps.

Based on the physical qualities of ordinary people like Zhang Xiaofan, even if you can really climb to the top of the mountain in one breath, the time required for this journey is not two hours, but there will always be one hour?

But if you let yourself carry Zhang Xiaofan to the top of the mountain, wouldn't that be a blind date for men and women in disguise? !!

As for her sister, Liu Xinfeng, she has always been proud and arrogant, and it is impossible for an ordinary college student to touch her body, not to mention Zhang Xiaofan is a young man with masculinity.

For a while, Liu Xintong also felt a little distressed.

However, it was obviously not feasible to see his elder sister. Brother Zheng, at this time, he had tossed around a few times, disappeared into the second daughter's field of vision, and disappeared.

After seeing this, Liu Xintong was ready to go up the mountain with Zhang Xiaofan on his bite, but who knows, Zhang Xiaofan slowly shook his hand at this time.

"Your Five Thunder Sects have been blocked by the gates of the Nine Demon Halls. What are you still trying to do? Do n’t hurry up to help the boxing, I ’m not too anxious here anyway, slowly I just Now. "

During the conversation, it was seen that Zhang Xiaofan had already been climbing up the bluestone stairs, and he seemed not so anxious.

However, if you think about it, just by his current transformation of the infant realm. With the full satisfaction of the real Yuan Xiuwei and the blessing of the golden eyes, what else can escape his eyes?

The situation on the court, and everything is under his control.


At the same time, at the peak of Wulei Mountain, on the Zongmen Yanwu field, at this moment, two men and women of opposite forces are facing each other.

One of them is naturally the disciples of the upper and lower ancestors of Wuleizong, protecting the law, and the other side is one of imposing momentum, which is mixed with a tinge of cold chill.

The only person who saw the lead on the opposite side, the left and right pupils were red and black respectively, is a pair of different-colored pupils. In terms of appearance, they are only 27, 8 years old and look very young.

However, only those who are familiar with men with heterochromic pupils know that this young man who looks only twenty-seven or eight years old has actually passed the rare age.

But even so, this man with a different color is still regarded as the most outstanding outstanding genius in the history of the Nine Demon Temple since the founding of the Patriarchal School. !!

Duan Tianmo, this is his name!

Behind Duan Tianmo, a group of strong men from the Nine Demon Hall stood proudly, and were aggressive and aggressive, among the strongest of them, the weakest one, the one who had the true Yuan Xiuwei had reached the magic Realm. Xiaocheng's realm.

Undoubtedly, this time the Nine Demon Temple didn't come out this time, once it came out, Duan Tianmo actually gave all the first-class strong men up and down the Nine Devil Temple to all the people.

Obviously, the Nine Demon Palace is already determined to kill Wuleizong with one blow, and the determination is not to stay behind!

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