The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6709: Nine Masters

"Duan Tianmo, you're just talking tongues, it's ridiculous."

"Now that your Nine Demon Halls can openly and unilaterally tear up the treaty, then take out your true skills. What do you want, our Five Lei Zong and Hong Lian Zong will be accompanied to the end!"

I heard that Duan Tianmo also set his sights on Na Tian Hongwu, and the Yin smiled: "Tianlei wins the soul", Tian Hongwu? !! "

I saw, his face sneered, and said, "Where are your five Lei Zongzis of Wuleizong? Where are the others?"

"It's hard to do. Your big Wu Lei Zong, you can only stand up and down as a little elder to represent you!"

After Duan Tianmo's words fell, Tian Hongwu and his party couldn't help but ‘cuckoo—! ’Beep.

We must know that the news that Wuleizi failed to shock the infant state, and thus closed the retreat. Tian Hongwu and Wuleizong's Presbyterian Church are doing their best to block the news and not let it spread.

However, what they didn't expect is that this news was eventually heard by some people in Duan Tianmo and other nine demons.

"Well, what about my Five Lei Zong, that's not enough for you, the demon to worry about."

"Right now, your Nine Demon Temple has violently violated my Wuleizong border, that is, you want to declare war with my Wuleizong!"

"Since there is a battle, then it will be a happy fight. What fear do I have when I am up and down Wu Leizong?"

Tian Hongwu took a deep breath, looking cold, word by word, said.

"OK .... OK ..... OK ....."


Hearing the words, Duan Tianmo waved his hand suddenly, no longer talking, but backing away.

With the retreat of Duan Tianmo, nine black robe elders also followed closely. Each of them held a weapon with a different style in their hands, all looking indifferent and indifferent. Increasingly.

I saw that after the nine of them had just stepped out, an indescribable sense of oppression, like suffocation, struck head-on.

This also made Tian Hongwu, Bai Susu and other five Lei Zong and Hong Lian Zong's top power look more dignified than ever.

In particular, after looking at the faces of the nine elders and the weapons in their hands, this is what made Tian Hongwu look horrified.

"Nine Demon Halls, Nine Greats-Fawang ?!"

"you guys....."

"You are not dead yet!"

When the word fell, he saw the silver-haired old man with a silver gun among the nine who looked cold and indifferent.

"If you don't see your three main doors completely destroyed from the outside world, how can we the nine old guys just kill everyone like this?"

After seeing this, Bai Susu was also a face of unprecedented dignity, with rosy and attractive Zhu lips slightly opened, whispered softly, said.

"Silver Gun Lee, Ghost Knife Feng, Warhammer Song, Whip Jiuyou ..."

After hearing Bai Susu's mouth saying the names of the nine people who had just been listed, Su Wanqing, who was not far away, couldn't help but wonder.

"Master, what did you just say ?!"

In this regard, Bai Susu turned his face to look at his lover, then took a deep breath, said.

"Just now, the nine names I mentioned ...."

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