The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6711: The grudges of the outside world

I saw that the corners of this demon's mouth were even more up, drawing a dark arc.

"Of course, if no one dares to come forward today, hehe ..."

"Then, today is the day of your Five Lei Zong and Hong Lian Zong's extinction!"

The voice of Duan Tianmo immediately rang up and down the huge Wulei Mountain, which even made all the strong men in Wuleizong and Honglianzong have a chill on their faces.

You know, since they have successively joined their respective ancestors, they have never thought that they will encounter the nightmare-like plight of today.

A word that didn't agree would have to kill both of them.

Although such a battle has not yet officially sounded the clarion horn, it has allowed everyone present to clearly and predictably. The severity of the aftermath of this war must be unprecedented in the small world of the door!

The nine guardianships of the Nine Demon Halls successively stood on the wide performance martial arts field of the Five Thunder Sects. Nine people spoke in unison, with boundless might and domineering power.

"Honglianzong, Wuleizong, we are not ready to send someone to the front. Nine of us are already impatient!"

"If you wanted to, you would bring together the power of the three sects, and press down on one of my nine demons."

"But times have changed. Now, can you still have the original success ?!"

Hearing the taunts and taunts of these nine magic halls, Tian Hongwu even looked cold, and his heart was filled with vigorous anger.

Behind Tian Hongwu, the law enforcement elders: Zhong Li hate, pass the elders: Su Qiuming and other eight elders of the Five Lei Zong also all stood up at this time, said.

"Since the Nine Demon Kings of the Nine Demon Halls are so impatient, our Five Lei Zongs will stay with us to the end!"

I saw that the seven Wuleizong elders were standing behind Tian Hongwu one after another, and their momentum was rising steadily, with the sound of wind and thunder faintly reverberating above the performance martial arts field.

"Oh ?!"

"Is the eight elders of Wuleizong playing together? Okay ... good!"

I saw, holding a dreadful and dreadful sword, the King of the Nine Demon Temple with a large sword on his back and smiling, but then his voice closed and his eyes shot coldly.

In the middle of Yanwuchang, the eight elders of Wuleizong faced the Nine Demon Halls. The Nineth National University-King Fa had a solid momentum and a tit-for-tat relationship, and they could clearly feel that the enemies of both sides were tightly intertwined and that there was nowhere. Absent, intense murderous!

Nine Demon Halls and Five Lei Zongs, these two horses, had already started a terrible war decades ago.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Five Lei Zong and the Nine Demon Halls have also had long-standing grievances. They can be described as enemies of life and death. Now, after fighting for decades, it is naturally that enemies meet and are extremely jealous.

Therefore, whether it is the army of the Nine Demon Palace or the disciples of Wuleizong and Honglianzong.

I saw that they all stepped back to each other in a very tacit manner, and the strong men above their respective ancestral gods, they also silently opened up a defense circle with each other, protecting the disciples behind themselves.

"Today, let us nine old guys, come and take a good coach, and teach you the tricks of the five elders and eight elders!"

Only one roar was heard, and the spirit of the Nine Demon Kings of the Nine Demon Hall was also vigorous, and it stirred the Quartet for a long time .....

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