The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6716: Advent King

I saw an old man wearing a dark green robe all over his body, with the same color of dark turquoise robes on his body, and tumbling endlessly, rendering the sky he was in a grayish shade. .

After seeing the person's face clearly, Bai Susu's face could not help sinking slightly, exclaimed, said.

"The King of Drugs? It would be you!"

There was an indescribable horror of color on Bai Susu's pretty face, and her voice revealed a deep solemn meaning.

There is no doubt that the green robe old man suddenly killed in the middle of the road made many people who knew him could not help but take a hard breath, and the fear in his heart was like a tide.

At this time, Wandu King also fluttered from the sky, stepped slowly on the bluestone slab, and a pair of dark-green dry palms exposed outside the robes made people just feel a scalp and scalp. , Goosebumps suddenly started.

And Wan Duwang ’s dark green pupils fell directly on Bai Susu's body, the corners of his mouth were raised, and a sharp arc was drawn.

"When did your Wandumen become the eagles of the Nine Demon Halls ?!"

Bai Susu forcibly suppressed her inner horror, snorted heavily, disdainfully, said.

"Baisusu, the first talented disciple in the old man's Wandumen, Wandudou went to the secular world to find the female apprentice under your seat almost a month and a half ago."

"But so far, the Wandu boy under the old husband's door has not yet returned, and there is no news, which makes people doubtful."

"Because of this, the old man went to the ancestral temple to investigate. Only later did he realize that the soul and jade of Wandu Laogui and Wandu Tongzi had fallen apart and died."

"My husband is sure of this, it must be inextricably linked with the female apprentice under your seat!"

During the conversation, Wandu Wang had already set his eyes on Su Wanqing, who was not far away, and then continued again, Tao said.

"Tell him the truth quickly, who killed the old man and the boy!"

"If not, then the old man Wandu King will poison your red lotus sect up and down as much as possible-!!!"

Speaking of which, Wan Duwang ’s pair of dark green pupils stared at Su Wanqing for a moment, and there was another weird circle around him. Spooky fluctuations circulated in the air, which made Su Wanqing's eyes change instantly It had to stand up and lost focus.

However, at this moment, a scent of incense came on suddenly, and Bai Susu flashed, and she directly protected Su Wanqing behind her, and said with a cold drink.

"Wan Qing, don't wake up quickly!"


Bai Susu dropped, Su Wanqing just woke up as if dreaming, her face was full of horror.

She didn't even know what happened just now, but felt that she was mentally stunned for a while, and the next moment she completely lost her mind.

"Beware, you guys are not enough spirits, don't look directly into the old ghost's eyes. This is the mystery of the king of poisonous drugs.

Speaking, Bai Susu's cheeky face was already indifferent, and the crimson red spirit burst out from her chest, forming a fiery red ring directly on and around Zhou, protecting Su Wanqing .. ...

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