The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6730: Wuleizong is not so good

Zhang Xiaofan ignored the various problems of this demon from the beginning to the end. He pointed his fingers at a few people in the Nine Demon Hall led by Duan Tianmo, and then set his sight on Tian Hongwu not far away.

"Tian Hongwu, you made a special trip to the Emperor to invite me to come. Could it be that I can help you clean up this bunch of garbage? !!!"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't say it, and when he opened his mouth, the whole audience was up and down.

When Bai Susu heard the words, her eyes were wide, her face was full of horror.

Juvenile's words are not surprisingly endless. You must know that the side of the nine demon palace is a real master.

Even, there is a horrible existence like Duan Tianmo who has arrived in the infant world!

But even so, Zhang Xiaofan still opened his mouth, shut up and said that the masters of the nine magic halls, led by Duan Tianmo, were all garbage? !!

To be honest, the people present thought that Duan Tianmo was arrogant and arrogant enough.

But who ever thought that this young man who didn't know where he came from was even more arrogant and arrogant than Duan Tianmo, more than a thousand times.

"This lawless, does he show such arrogance when treating everyone ?!"

In the audience, only Su Wanqing sighed softly, said.

Tian Hongwu was also full of embarrassment and embarrassment on this old face. I don't know whether he should nod in agreement with Zhang Xiaofan's view just now, or should he shake his head to deny it?

If, if Tian Hongwu nodded, wouldn't it mean that the people like Wuleizong were not even as good as the waste, if they shook their heads, then ... wouldn't it be better to go somewhere?

In this way, Tian Hongwu was silent for a long time before he spoke.

"Master Mozun, please help me Wuleizong, Honglianzong ..."

After getting a positive answer from Tian Hongwu's mouth, Zhang Xiaofan's mouth rose, drawing a scornful arc of disdain, said.

"It's just a bunch of native chickens and dogs. Shrimp soldiers and crabs are about to go. They have already forced your Wuleizong up and down to such an extent that the mountains and rivers are exhausted?"

"Looks like this is not a good thing for you, Wu Leizong ..."

While listening to Zhang Xiaofan's words, it was obvious that he carried deep disdain and derogatory words. The elders from the top and bottom of Wuleizong, the law protectors and the disciples were all angry.

No doubt, it was just the words that Zhang Xiaofan said just now. Isn't it obvious that they look down on Wuleizong? !!

But the tangible fact in front of them, indeed, they were forced to the edge of the cliff by the people of the Nine Demon Halls.

For a time, no one dared to say anything to refute Wuleizong, only Tian Hongwu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Sir, you can eat this meal indiscriminately, but you can't say that indiscriminately ?!"

"I can't be humiliated by my little sister-in-law who is up and down in my magic hall!"

Although Duan Tianmo had previously jealous of Zhang Xiaofan's identity, his background was not false.

But now, Zhang Xiaofan has been riding to the necks of all the people above and below the Nine Demon Halls to pee and urinate. If he can even swallow this bad breath, what else is he qualified to do? What about the owner of the Nine Demon Hall?

There is no doubt that Zhang Xiaofan just compared their nine demons up and down to a pile of rubbish. This is already a monstrous killing that has aroused Duan Tianmo ...

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