The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6733: The legend is here

Zheng Kuolin was even stiff with a look on his face at the moment, staying in the same place without knowing anything.

And compared to Zheng Kuolin, the sisters Liu not far away are not necessarily better than him. They are also pretty eyes wide, and the inner shock is more than anyone in the room. Coming is more intense.

This is, the boat ride with them, in their eyes, is just a young man who is still studying at Peiping University?

However, it is such a young man. He is the unparalleled in that day, and he is a single-handed man who swept across the heavenly magic statue of the nation ’s cultivation world. Is Zhang Wutian also? !!

"I'll go, don't I ..."

Liu Xintong's two small hands clenched her face tightly, and she took a few steps backwards in horror. She really realized at this moment that she was really stupid to the extreme.

It is such an idol, a legend, who followed her from Emperor Capital. Peiping to Wuleizong along the way. What has been said between the two on this journey may not add up to more than a hundred sentences. ?

To be honest, if it is possible, Liu Xintong now really wants to get a piece of frozen tofu directly, and he has a heart that has been killed? !!

Compared to his younger sister Liu Xintong, her sister Liu Xinfeng also had a pretty look on her face, and her eyes were frozen in a moment, staring at the tall and burly figure of Zhang Xiaofan in the center of the square not far away.

After a brief stagnation, Liu Xinfeng's cheeky face once again appeared a seductive flush.

"That day, he was also on the boat, and he must have heard what I said to Zheng Kuolin?"

I saw that the hero of the five Lei Zong women who had always been a thousand miles away and indifferent, always gave people a sense of intimidation for the first time in history. Come.

At the same time, the shock and astonishment in Bai Susu's beautiful eyes reached a point where it could not be added.

You know, a few years ago, Bai Susu and Zhang Xiaofan met Zhang Xiaofan by chance on the Mount Everest.

But at that time, Zhang Xiaofan was just a true Yuan Xiu to reach the Five Qi Chaoyuan. The young man with a great concentration of divine realm, even outside the Dan kingdom. The ordinary meditation that the threshold of His Holiness had never stepped through. Person only.

But now, only one and a half years later, when Bai Susu met Zhang Xiaofan again, he did not expect that he has grown to such an exaggerated and amazing degree today.

Moreover, it has become the admiration of thousands of people, and even the Honglian Sovereign Sovereign was sighed by the heavenly devil. Zhang Wutian? !!

The speed of progress in this realm is simply that there are no ancients before and no one comes after. It is a downright wicked talent.

"Master Tian, ​​what do you think is going on?"

At present, Wulei Zong, the five lords of the Five Lei Sects, and seven other elders of the Five Lei Sects have all set their sights on Tian Hongwu, and their respective faces are replaced by the deep astonishment that is incredible.

Wu Leizi and his party never dreamed that Tian Hongwu had invited such a terrible and powerful man for Wuleizong to help Wuleizong in the end? !! !!

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