The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6735: You are just prey

If it is not necessary, Duan Tianmo naturally does not want to be hostile to such a terrible existence!

"Ha ha...."

In response, Zhang Xiaofan just grinned and said sneer.

"Mo said that I had promised Tian Hongwu before, saying that when Wu Leizong faced life and death, he helped him."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaofan set his eyes on Bai Susu on his side, and his eyes were more prosperous.

"Just because you hurt the white pigment, it is enough for you to die a thousand times, ten thousand times!"

Listening to the words that were full of domineering words, Bai Susu not only did not have half aversion to it, but his heart trembled slightly, which was a surprise.

In Zhang Xiaofan's heart, how could he have such a significant position?

The heartstring, which had never been provoked, trembled a little, and an unspeakable sweetness remained sweet to the bottom of my heart.

Su Wanqing, not far away, had a very strange expression on Qiao's face, and she didn't know what it was like in her heart.

Zhang Xiaofan was dismissive of himself when he was in the imperial capital. He looked at himself as if he were looking at a mass of air, and he didn't put his eyes on him.

However, even such a man with a very high vision would anger and smash champions for the sake of Bai Susu, beheading foreign enemies, only to smile for Bojia people.

In comparison, the gap is really one heaven and one underground. The two are totally different.

At a time when everyone's minds were different, Duan Tianmo's face became more gloomy.

There is no doubt that it is just just what Zhang Xiaofan said just now, there is no discussion about this matter at all, and there is room for maneuver.

At the same time, Duan Tianmo could also deeply feel Zhang Xiaofan's aggressive murderousness.

"So to speak, Your Excellency is iron-clad and wants to face our enemy against the Nine Demon Halls ?!"

It is true that Duan Tianmo is more or less jealous of Zhang Xiaofan, but it is far from being afraid.

You know, Duan Tianmo is now the real baby-changing Xeon, although it is only baby-changing now. Xiaocheng, but in this small world, he is enough to be the hegemonist. Send as no one!

The reason why Zhang Xiaofan had been able to kill so many supernatural powers and three and a half steps in one shot by one person before can be transformed into a baby state like himself.

Huaying Realm vs. Huaying Realm, the two are just between Bozhong. He Duan Tianmo has a big killer like ‘Nine Magic Skills’ beside him, so why fear it?

As the Nine Demon Hall since its founding, the most outstanding and outstanding arrogant of heaven, Duan Tianmo's inner arrogance, it is no better than others, not to mention that because the other party is a demon, genius is willing to be so submissive under!

"Enemies against you?"

"Ha ha...."

"I said, you're too apt to put gold on your face, right ?!"

Speaking, Zhang Xiaofan gently shook his right index finger, his voice was extremely arrogant and shook the sky.

"I'm here just to kill you. You are just my prey. If you want to be my enemy of Zhang Wutian, you are still far from being qualified!"

"Today, except for the people of Honglianzong and Wuleizong, there is no one who will go up the mountain!"

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