The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6741: Two punches end the fight

With this energy shield, Duan Tianmo's whole person was firmly protected in it, and he made a good defensive posture.

However, at home at this time, a fist, without any fancy, returned flatly, hitting the center of his protective cover firmly.

Suddenly, Duan Tianmo's eyes widened, he could turn over the energy defensive hood formed by the terrible true energy of the river, and he couldn't even support it for a second, and then in front of that fierce force, he answered And broken!


The fist then passed through the hard defenses of Duan Tianmo's hard work, and it was firmly stamped on his chest.

"Wow ..."

Duan Tianmo opened his mouth and spit out blood, and his body fell uncontrollably from above the air.

"Boom ....."

For a time, the smoke from the Yanwu field started to explode. With the sound of loud noises, it split directly from the middle position and shattered.

As for Duan Tianmo, his entire figure was plunged into the soil below the Yanwu field, and the earth was trembling like an earthquake.

The whole audience was in an uproar at the moment, and one after another the gazes turned to the young man who stood proudly above the sky.

From the beginning to the end of this battle, it seems that this young man ......... seems to have made two punches from beginning to end, and the battle has ended ...

"Boom ....."

Duan Tianmo's body was shaken down severely from the whole Yanwu Stadium, and it immediately broke away from the middle, split into two, the smoke was rolling, and Duan Tianmo's figure disappeared long ago.

On the other hand, Zhang Xiaofan, he was still copying his pocket with one hand like before, slowly retracting the fist that had just been swung out, and his eyes were swept away indifferently toward the smoke and dust below.

"Zhang ......."

"Zhang Wutian, how could he be so powerful ?!"

At this moment, the nine faces of the Nine Demon Temple-Fawang looked at each other with even more suspicion.

You know, Duan Tianmo is the throne of the absolute first among the nine demons. No one can shake it.

Zhenyuan Xiu arrived at the infantile realm. Xiaocheng, in the small world of Xiuzhen Sect and the outer door, it is definitely a super strong standing at the top of the pyramid. A strong one, I'm afraid that's not an exaggeration.

However, Duan Tianmo, who is known as the first person in the outside world, was actually in the hands of Zhang Xiaofan. He just spit blood and retreated after only two punches.

Wutianzun. Zhang Wutian is so horrible? !!

"Strong ....."

"It's too strong ..."

At the same time, even Zheng Kuolin who was watching the battle silently couldn't help exclaiming, his eyes were full of fanaticism and admiration.

Although he is proud and arrogant, he can only kneel and admire in the face of Zhang Wutian's peerless ‘big man’ who has no history and no posterity.

As for Wu Leizi and others, they had to shake their heads and sigh.

You know, they are one hundred years old, but in the end, most of their hardships are far less than a young man who has just reached the weak crown?

I have to say that this young man is working together on cultivation ...

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