The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6745: Nine Magic Halberds

In the past, I do n’t know how much blood of the true practitioners was stained on this war halberd. It can be said that it is a demon-like weapon, which has made countless people in the outer world frightened and never dare to compete with it.

But the moment Duan Tianmo held the "Nine Demon Halberds" in his hand, his whole momentum was rising sharply at this time. Compared with the previous one, it was more than a few times inflated, like the **** demon overlooking All beings.

Thousands of black breaths are sending out a thick killing and **** breath to the outside world all the time.

In the field, the one who is slightly incapable of improvement, presumably they are at least slightly infected with the evil breath emanating from the 'nine magic halberd' blades. I am afraid that even the whole person ’s consciousness will be in the next second. Deprived of its war halberd.

"This halberd, named 'The Nine Demon', is my first and foremost supreme soldier of the Nine Demon Temple. It was handed down by the nine demon real masters."

With that said, Duan Tianmo's war halberd swept away, and he pointed at Zhang Xiaofan distantly.

"Zhang Wutian, today, I will use your blood to sacrifice my war halberd!"


The sound of the halberd sounded endlessly. Duan Tianmo held the nine magic halberds and was surrounded by dark mist. His momentum was extremely appalling.

Long ago, in the past, the nine-blade real man of the nine-magic palace obtained this ‘nine-magic halberd’ in an extremely accidental situation.

And after that, the Nine Demon real people combined the Nine Demon Palace with the highest treasure, and the extraterrestrial meteorite strengthened the forging again, and followed it day and night, becoming the Nine Demon real battlefield, countless blood, and increased the killing of its war halberds. breath.

From now on, the nine real monsters are holding the halberds and do n’t know how many powerful men in the outer world have been killed. When he kills a person, the **** killing of the nine halberds Qi will rise with it and increase by one point.

It is for this reason that this ‘Nine Magic Halves’ is so fierce in the small world of the outside world that people are afraid of it.

At this moment, Duan Tianmo's "Nine Demon Halberds" took control, and immediately turned into the absolute king between the heavens and the earth. The murderous spirit in the red and black pupils was rising, and Zhang Xiaofan was in front of him. Lock it in firmly.

There were many people in the Nine Demon Hall, and they bowed slightly, bowed their heads, and there was an immense reverence under their hearts.

There is no doubt that this 'nine magic halberds' is where their faith from the Lord His Highness to their disciples, Nine Magic Hall.

With the founding master of the Nine Demon Palace, Nine Demon real people rely on this halberd, almost directly swept the entire Xiuzhen Sect, complete the unified world of the outer door, and enter the inner door.

It is precisely because of such a glorious past. After seeing the Nine Demon Halves, everyone in the Nine Demon Hall is tantamount to seeing the Nine Demon Real People. How can one respect and admire it? !!

As for Zhang Duofan, who had previously been pressed on the ground by various frictions, there was no half-power to resist Duan Tianmo. At this moment, the "Nine Demon Halberds" was in his hands, which made him feel a sense of grandeur.

And each of the Nine Demon Kings, guardians, and disciples below is also reorganized, filled with the confidence of victory and return!

There is the magic weapon of the “Nine Demon Halberds” in hand. Who can be the master of this temple and the enemy of Duan Tianmo? !! !!

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